Richard Bamford

Results 32 comments of Richard Bamford

> > > That should be really simple. I would use a ring buffer to write directly to an SD on one of the SPI ports. SdFat has a ring...

> > > Sorry, I should have ask what you were doing earlier. It's such a simple problem so something had to be wrong. > > I have been working...

> > > Use open() followed by preAllocate(). I prefer this sequence since you then know what failed, bad open parameters or no contiguous free space and you can reopen...

I resolved this issue, it was because i wasn't setting up the SPI interface after restarting the SD adapter.

Like this: ``` int numberOfLoopsToPerform = (int)numberOfLoopsInDelay; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLoopsToPerform; i++) { Pin_Interface_WatchdogHeartbeat(); LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_1S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF); } ```

> In the future I would like to support Android and iOS. A set of inputs objects for touch and new devices would be required for mobile devices, but would...

![testingsharp desktop_2018-05-11_14-01-33](

``` var window = new Window(); UI.Root.AddChild(window); // Set Window size and layout settings window.SetMinSize(384, 192); window.SetLayout(LayoutMode.Vertical, 6, new IntRect(6, 6, 6, 6)); window.SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Center); window.Name = "Window"; ```

thanks! see you at diffuse Berlin!

Ok thanks! If i try the example this is the output (it doesn't save to a file): ``` Handlebars: Access has been denied to resolve the property "getFullName" because it...