ValueStepper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ValueStepper copied to clipboard

A Stepper object that displays its value.

Results 7 ValueStepper issues
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Hello, please add a callback If user Increment or decrement it would be a lot easier for us thanks, because for now we need to store the previous value to...

![image]( Pod library is not working for extension, I tried to set **Require only app-extension-safe api** to NO, but didn't work. I am using the extension for remote notification. Please...

When we use ValueStepper in collectionView Cell, every time reusable cell is allocated, ValueStepper calls target method even though when it is not required. Also when altering value of the...

ValueStepper.swift line 205 override open static var requiresConstraintBasedLayout: Bool produces error: Static declarations are implicitly 'final'; use 'public' instead of 'open'

I do not find any font size option for value of stepper. Please provide this... ![Screenshot 2020-01-29 at 12 39 25 PM](

Hi, can you add the support for Swift Package Manager?? Thank

I need to add image on plus and minus but I dont see any option to add background image.