从您举出的例子的场景来看, 是有性能问题的. 但实际上, 客户端200w连接不可能打在一台服务器的, 这个不可能的断言是从业务侧来考虑的. 当您的业务会出现同时w人在线的时候, 那么业务团队就基本上会考虑集群部署了. 单体架构也许会存在各种黑科技优化策略, 可以支持百万连接与并发, 但实际生产过程中, 随着业务流量的增加会从单体逐步拓展为集群服务器, 既能分担压力也能保证可用性. 可以参考书籍 来获取架构演变相关的知识. 如果您因为特殊性的原因执意要单服务器支撑百万流量, 那么我很希望能学到您的优化策略
> flutter 编辑: 大佬,请问下这个集成到客户端后,如何让其go-sdk-core的日志在android studio的终端中也输出出来。我虽然在使用sdk的时候将日志等级设置了6,但是控制台没有输出其底层sdk打印的日志。可是我看到有其他人问问题的时候能贴出来底层sdk-core的go的日志,请问是否应该对android studio进行相关配置项的设置
Same problem here! I used model dreamshaper-xl10, I got a black pic every time. My webUI don't have a column named "SD VAE", I want to know if some settings...
> > Same problem here! I used model dreamshaper-xl10, I got a black pic every time. My webUI don't have a column named "SD VAE", I want to know if...
> @kihanc please try with the latest `main` branch. I have made improvements that allow us to match performance the RESTful API to our Python API (see #328). Hey, how...
> > > @kihanc please try with the latest `main` branch. I have made improvements that allow us to match performance the RESTful API to our Python API (see #328)....
same issue. I meet the hint: no kernel image is available for execution on the device
> this version code doesn't use flash-attn module actually. In my case, i don't install flash-attn module and delete all import line that contain flash-attn module. ```shell python --cfg...
> > I used this command, and it need the flash-attn. > > I also use that command. Go to the files and delete below code files `./i2vgen-xl/tools/modules/unet/` `./i2vgen-xl/tools/modules/unet/` `./i2vgen-xl/tools/modules/unet/`...
Yes. I have experienced this situation. When I went to sleep, I was sure that nobody else used it. But when I woke up, I found that all my quota...