The login issue on ios 13 seems to be resolved
I works for me on ios 13.7 (iphone 8)
It also still works relatively well for proxying downloads
macdirtycow does not work on 16.3.1, even when you install the app it will not function
> When it will bd fix ? It can't, apple patched the macdirtycow exploit. It will never work on newer ios's unless another bug is found.
> Bro ur a madman, chill! nah
> not fake. Its like a template. Remember Dopamine? That was based off of Fugu15. This is the iOS 16 version of Fugu15, and its a template. are you dumb,...
this is literally a fake jb dudes its just fugu14 copy and pasted
> :0: error: error opening input file '/Users/xxx/cheyote/Cheyote/Cheyote-Bridging-Header.h' (No such file or directory) its a fake jailbreak, its just taurine (ios 14)
> I see the source code that not support 14.4+, but I see readme support iOS15.1, my system version is 15.1. this is a fake jailbreak.