u need to use 0.35 and sorry, for spawnpoint need [150,151] not {150,151} gyms dont work at this time... its all still in development
give @maierfelix some time and he make this server perfect for us :)
check this
don´t use pogo-populate... i tried it and its write every spawn to your mysql... my db was full after after use this...
u need to use this clone it and install it, then test pogo-populate. but i say you delete it later
yes, but the only version where pogo-populate worked.... to make pogo-popolutae work on 0.6.1 then you need to update pogo-populate ;) try this...
check your mysql spawn point table i have tested it and its worked for me...
Phpmyadmin or Mysql Workbanch
//Populate map with Pokemon RANDOM_SPAWNS_AT_PLAYERS: true, RADIUS: 2, //In kilometers RARITY_RATE: 1.5, //The higher, the less likely rare Pokemon will appear NUMBER_SPAWNs: 500, POKEMON_PER_SPAWN: 1, change RANDOM_SPAWNS_AT_PLAYERS to false with...