Pode.Web copied to clipboard
New-PodeWebTextbox -NoForm shows the button on a new line
Describe the Bug
In a PodeWebForm, the New-PodeWebTextbox parameter -NoForm -Width '960px' does not work correct as in v0.8.2. It shows the buttons on a new line.
Steps To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Install-Module Pode.Web -RequiredVersion 0.8.3 -Force
- Create the PodeServer
- Add a page with a New-PodeWebContainer, a New-PodeWebForm, New-PodeWebTextbox -NoForm -Width '960px' or smaller
- Start the Pode and see the behavior
Expected Behavior
The Input-field and the buttons should be placed at the same line as in the v0.8.2.
See at PSXiDiag-Project
- OS: Windows
- Browser: Edge, Firefox
- Versions:
- Pode: 2.8.0
- Pode.Web: 0.8.3
- PowerShell: PS 7.3.6
Additional Context
Here is my code, that I use:
#region Search
New-PodeWebForm -Id "Form$($i)" -Name "Search for ESXiHost" -AsCard -ShowReset -ArgumentList @($Properties, $PodeDB, $SqlTableName) -ScriptBlock {
param($Properties, $PodeDB, $SqlTableName)
$SqliteQuery = "Select * from $($SqlTableName) Where HostName Like '%$($WebEvent.Data.Search)%'"
$Properties += 'vCenterServer'
Invoke-MySQLiteQuery -Path $PodeDB -Query $SqliteQuery | Select-Object $Properties | Out-PodeWebTable
} -Content @(
New-PodeWebTextbox -Id "Search$($i)" -Name 'Search' -DisplayName 'HostName' -Type Text -Placeholder 'HostName' -NoForm -Width '960px'
Hi @tinuwalther,
I'll have to see how this renders in v1.0.0, and what could be done there. However, in v0.8.3 you can get around this by adding the original missing class via -CssClass
New-PodeWebTextbox -Id "Search$($i)" -Name 'Search' -DisplayName 'HostName' -Type Text -Placeholder 'HostName' -NoForm -Width '960px' -CssClass 'no-form'
Hope that helps!
Hi @Badgerati, that works fine for me. Thank you very much you for your help.