diffvg copied to clipboard
Square linecaps?
Is it possible to specify a stroke-linecap property for a pydiffvg.path
If not then this would be a feature request for 'round' (currently implemented and default), 'flat' and 'butt'.
I did some digging in the code and tried to remove the round line caps sampling in sample_boundary.h
by commenting out these lines:
if (stroke_perturb_direction != 0.f && !path.is_closed) {
// We need to samples the "caps" of the path
// length of a cap is pi * abs(stroke_perturb_direction)
// there are two caps
if (path.num_control_points[sample_id] != 1) {
auto cap_length = 0.f;
if (path.thickness != nullptr) {
auto r0 = path.thickness[0];
auto r1 = path.thickness[path.num_points - 1];
cap_length = float(M_PI) * (r0 + r1);
} else {
cap_length = 2 * float(M_PI) * stroke_radius;
auto cap_prob = cap_length / (cap_length + path_length);
if (t < cap_prob) {
t = t / cap_prob;
pdf *= cap_prob;
auto r0 = stroke_radius;
auto r1 = stroke_radius;
if (path.thickness != nullptr) {
r0 = path.thickness[0];
r1 = path.thickness[path.num_points - 1];
// HACK: in theory we want to compute the tangent and
// sample the hemi-circle, but here we just sample the
// full circle since it's less typing
if (stroke_perturb_direction < 0) {
// Sample the cap at the beginning
auto p0 = Vector2f{path.points[0], path.points[1]};
auto offset = Vector2f{
r0 * cos(2 * float(M_PI) * t),
r0 * sin(2 * float(M_PI) * t)
normal = normalize(offset);
pdf /= (2 * float(M_PI) * r0);
data.path.base_point_id = 0;
data.path.point_id = 0;
data.path.t = 0;
return p0 + offset;
} else {
// Sample the cap at the end
auto p0 = Vector2f{path.points[2 * (path.num_points - 1)],
path.points[2 * (path.num_points - 1) + 1]};
auto offset = Vector2f{
r1 * cos(2 * float(M_PI) * t),
r1 * sin(2 * float(M_PI) * t)
normal = normalize(offset);
pdf /= (2 * float(M_PI) * r1);
data.path.base_point_id = path.num_base_points - 1;
data.path.point_id = path.num_points - 2 -
data.path.t = 1;
return p0 + offset;
} else {
t = (t - cap_prob) / (1 - cap_prob);
pdf *= (1 - cap_prob);
However upon build and install of the library the round line caps are still rendered. I tried introducing print statements to see if the code in
was actually being called by my script and it is.
Any ideas on how to proceed?