
Results 43 comments of Arch

While waiting for the feature, we just created a hook to prevent commiting to big files not tracked by LFS and genereates the according track command to resolve this.

I'm interested in this too, every UI is very small on my QHD panel. I got the source code, now I'm just wondering how I should override the GUISkin.

I would also have to do it for all plugins additional UI calls? It does not seem manageable. Maybe going with dnSpy and changing some values ? Also, any idea...

Unfortunatelly when exporting to DAE things gets triangulated as well.

Just understood what you where saying. Unfortunately the exported dae model is all broken once imported. We do find back the quads but naming are all gone. Is it difficult...

Blender Limite Dissolve approaches a decent result. It is not perfectly matching the Sketchup geometry but clean enough. Though I believe this option could be available in the importer.

Hello, how is this going ?

Same issue exporting any format from webm files, using CC 2015 on win8.1

Seems to start exporting things ( I have several seconds of a webm file exported ) but then crashes with the error

Hi same error for me whenever I try to do greenworks.activateGameOverlay( "Achievements" );