Memory-Assistant icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Memory-Assistant copied to clipboard

Main project of Memory Athlete


What is this repository for?

I don't understand anything!

Contribution guidelines

Who do I talk to?

How do I get set up?

  • Summary of set up
  1. Install Android Studio.
  2. Download and extract the repository or run the command git clone on your computer.
  3. In Android Studio, open the project as an existing android studio project after extracting the downloaded zip or import as a new project from git.
  4. Create your own final class in app/src/main/java/com.memory_athlete.memoryassistant/inAppBilling/. Add static functions, decrypt and addSomePepper with return type String. You can return empty strings.
  5. Remove apk signing by removing keystoreProperties and signingConfigs{...} from app level build.gradle. To use your own signature, refer to the documentation.
  6. Add your own google-services.json to app/src/. Download it by linking your builds to Firebase. To run the app without it remove – all mentions to firebase from the app level build.gradle; meta-data tag from the AndroidManifests.xml. Do NOT remove firebase-jobdispatcher it is important for reminders.
  7. Add your own to app/src/. Download it after connecting your builds to Crashlytics through Fabric. To run the app without it, run in debug or remove the crashlytics dependency and fabric repository and plugin from build.gradle; the meta-data tag from the AndroidManifests.xml; Crashlytics calls from all java files.
  8. Keep googling the errors that you face.
  • Dependencies
  1. Java 8

  2. Kotlin

  3. Android SDK

  4. Fabric (Crashlytics)

  5. Firebase (Indexing, AdMob, JobDispatcher)

  6. Checkout

  7. Picasso

  8. ButterKnife

  9. Timber

  10. MultiDex

  11. AndroidX

  12. JUnit

  13. Espresso

  14. Refer to app/build.gradle for details

How to run tests

  • Only some trivial Esspresso tests have been written, nothing serious. Pre Launch Report on Google Play Console is the only useful automated testing done.
  • For Running Espresso tests, go to the desired test in D:\Projects\Skynet\MemoryAthlete\Android\app\src\androidTest\java\com\memory_athlete\memoryassistant, right click and run the test on the device of your choice. USB debugging might be necessary.
  • Write a more tests whenever you feel idle.

Deployment instructions

  1. On android studio Build -> Build Bundles(s)/APKs -> Build Bundle/APK
  2. Upload it to Google Play Console