Super-Simple-Raspberry-Pi-Audio-Receiver-Install copied to clipboard
Bluetooth not working
Hi All I have a Raspberry Pi with a HifiBerry Amp2 hat. I would like to use this software to make a bluetooth loudspeaker, but i failed big time. After the first install I did not have any sound out of the HifiBerry. I thought it was because i forgot to install the sounddriver. After some work I got the soundcard to work, but then my Bluetooth disapered. I tryed to reinstall the audio reciever but that did not help at all. So status is that the soundcard is working(when I go to on the raspberry's browser there is sound). But the bluetooth is not visible - if its even working at all.. I'm lost, because i do not know how to undo what i've might been doing. If any additional informations is needed - please ask!
I had something similar. I wound up reimaging with the hifiberry raspbian lite image and then dropped SSRPARI on top and it was magic...