Python-IrradPy copied to clipboard
Key Error
I am hoping to use this package to download data. I have changed some of the variables to download the data in the regions and collections I need. However, whenever I run the example download script I get a Key Error. I am a Windows user and below is my code.
class dummy_downloader():
def setUp(self):
## The user should define the input parameters in this script for the easiest use case of the package
# specify your user authentication
self.username = input("Please Enter Your USERNAME:")
self.password = getpass("Please Enter Your PASSWORD: ")
# specify the date range
self.initial_year = 2018
self.initial_month = 1
self.initial_day = 1
# specify the end date
self.final_year = 2018
self.final_month = 1
self.final_day = 3
# specify the bottom left corner of the rectangular region
self.lat_1 = 30.36
self.lon_1 = -85.03
# specify the top right corner of the rectangular region
self.lat_2 = 35.2
self.lon_2 = -81.25
# specify the number of threads, this is the number of instances that will run at the same time
# theoretically, this can be as many as you think your machine can handle, though GESDISC may
# impose a limit
self.thread_num = 5
# specify the output destination of the data, depending on operating system changes the file separator
# default location is where you run the script, specify here if you want to change it using os.join.
self.output_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"MERRA2_data")
# specify the merge timelapse of the data
# select from 'none', 'daily', 'monthly', 'yearly'
self.merge_timelapse = 'monthly'
# Here you can change what actually gets downloaded
# full list of variables can be founnd here
self.merra2_var_dicts = {
"lnd": {
"esdt_dir": "(M2T1NXLND.5.12.4",
"collection": "tavg1_2d_lnd_Nx",
"standard_name": "surface_diag",
"least_significant_digit": 3,
"slv": {
"esdt_dir": "M2T1NXSLV.5.12.4",
"collection": "tavg1_2d_slv_Nx",
"var_name": ["V2M", "TS", "PS","U2M"],
"standard_name": "single_lvl_surface",
"least_significant_digit": 3,
"lsf": {
"esdt_dir": "M2T1NXAER.5.12.4",
"collection": "inst1_2d_lfo_Nx",
"var_name": ["HLML", "PS", "QLML","SPEEDLML","TLML"],
"standard_name": "Surface_forcings",
"least_significant_digit": 3,
def download(self):
auth={"uid": self.username, "password": self.password},
freeze_support() d = dummy_downloader() d.setUp()
And below is the error I am receiving.
Please Enter Your USERNAME:sek89244 Please Enter Your PASSWORD: ········ INFO:root:Downloading data from 2018-1-1 to 2018-1-3...
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [6], in <cell line: 5>() 3 d = dummy_downloader() 4 d.setUp() ----> 5
Input In [5], in 70 def download(self): ---> 71 72 auth={"uid": self.username, "password": self.password}, 73 initial_year=self.initial_year, 74 final_year=self.final_year, 75 initial_month=self.initial_month, 76 final_month=self.final_month, 77 initial_day=self.initial_day, 78 final_day=self.final_day, 79 lat_1=self.lat_1, 80 lat_2=self.lat_2, 81 lon_1=self.lon_1, 82 lon_2=self.lon_2, 83 thread_num=self.thread_num, 84 merra2_var_dicts=self.merra2_var_dicts, 85 output_dir=self.output_dir, 86 merge_timelapse=self.merge_timelapse 87 )
File ~\anaconda3\envs\IrradPyEnv\lib\site-packages\irradpy-1.5.0-py3.9.egg\irradpy\downloader\, in run(collection_names, initial_year, final_year, initial_month, final_month, initial_day, final_day, lat_1, lon_1, lat_2, lon_2, merra2_var_dicts, output_dir, auth, merge_timelapse, thread_num) 120 # Call the main function 121 socket = SocketManager() --> 122 socket.daily_download_and_convert( 123 collection_names, merra2_var_dicts=merra2_var_dicts, 124 initial_year=initial_year, initial_month=initial_month, initial_day=initial_day, 125 final_year=final_year, final_month=final_month, final_day=final_day, 126 output_dir=output_dir, 127 auth=auth, 128 merge_timelapse=merge_timelapse, 129 lat_1=lat_1, lon_1=lon_1, 130 lat_2=lat_2, lon_2=lon_2, 131 thread_num=thread_num, 132 )
File ~\anaconda3\envs\IrradPyEnv\lib\site-packages\irradpy-1.5.0-py3.9.egg\irradpy\downloader\, in SocketManager.daily_download_and_convert(self, collection_names, initial_year, final_year, initial_month, final_month, initial_day, final_day, lat_1, lon_1, lat_2, lon_2, merra2_var_dicts, output_dir, auth, merge_timelapse, merge, thread_num) 643 merra2_var_dict = var_list[collection_name] 644 else: --> 645 merra2_var_dict = merra2_var_dicts[i] 646 # Download subdaily files 647 # Translate the coordinates that define your area to grid coordinates. 648 lat_coord_1 = self.translate_lat_to_geos5_native(lat_1)
KeyError: 0
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I don’t know exactly what is happening here but I think you made a typo in merra2 var dicts.
"lnd": { "esdt_dir": "(M2T1NXLND.5.12.4",
included an extra ( symbol.
let me know if it still doesn’t work after fixing it.
It did not work, it is downloading the folder, but the folder is empty.
I have recently encountered the same issue, did you solve it?