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MATLAB application for fNIRS data processing and visualization
Redo retrieval of measurement list, dataTimeSeries and mlAct to fix major issues with incorrect sorting of data.
**Testing**: I tested all 4 different basis functions (idxBasis) and 2 different glmSolveMethod (GLM or iterative WGLM AR(1)). I also tested it for both t-test and F-test. So I think...
Hi all, as discussed with Vijay, we have updated the documentation of the function listed in https://github.com/BUNPC/Homer3/wiki/Processing-Functions We fixed some mistake and completed some others, so that users can get...
### Version of Homer3 you are using [Development branch v1.35.4](https://github.com/BUNPC/Homer3/tree/08deaaba48ac56f7aa5fff11cd76142aaef97352), latest as of date (same issue in master etc) ### Your environment (MATLAB environment and OS) All. ### Description of...
Hi, we have made two livescripts (here also incluided as .m files for review) as examples on how to use Homer3. We will probably feature those livescripts in an upcoming...
Dear Homer3 team, in collaboration with Vijay from the Mathworks team, we have worked on some Homer3 improvements. This is the first pull request which we are making. It is...
To return SNIRF to the comfortable "read-only" relationship with Homer it had until recently, I propose to rebuild the stims system on top of the BIDS-specified `events.tsv` record of stims....
We are looking toward a future model where users are not accessing homerOutput (formerly groupResults.mat) with MATLAB to analyze or visualize data with their own scripts-- they will export SNIRF...
We want to calculate the t-score from the beta values. See for example - https://www.brainvoyager.com/bv/doc/UsersGuide/StatisticalAnalysis/TheGeneralLinearModel.html For that we need to extract the regressors for the GLM fit. Where can we...