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Various Warnings Produced
Due to updates in Matplotlib and PyQt5, now various warnings crop up which don't hinder PyHammer's execution, but produce annoying command line warnings.
Some warnings experienced include the following:
DirectWrite: CreateFontFaceFromHDC() failed (Indicates an error in an input file such as a font file.) for QFontDef(Family="courier", pointsize=10, pixelsize=13, styleHint=5, weight=50, stretch=100, hintingPreference=0) LOGFONT("courier", lfWidth=0, lfHeight=-13) dpi=96
D:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\cbook\ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance. In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned. Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance.
warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)