climin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
climin copied to clipboard

Optimizers for machine learning


climin is a Python package for optimization, heavily biased to machine learning scenarios distributed under the BSD 3-clause license. It works on top of numpy and (partially) gnumpy.

The project was started in winter 2011 by Christian Osendorfer and Justin Bayer. Since then, Sarah Diot-Girard, Thomas Rueckstiess and Sebastian Urban have contributed. If you use climin in your (academic) work, please cite as (tech report is in preparation):

J. Bayer and C. Osendorfer and S. Diot-Girard and T. Rückstiess and Sebastian Urban. climin - A pythonic framework for gradient-based function optimization. TUM Tech Report. 2016.

Important links

  • Official repository of source:
  • Documentation:
  • Mailing list: [email protected] (archive:


The software is tested under Python 2.7 with numpy 1.10.4, scipy 0.17. The tests are run with nosetests.


Use git to clone the official repository; then run pip install --user -e . in the clone to intall in your local user space.


From the download directory run nosetests tests/.