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DWIConvert gets segmentation fault when converting Nrrd image to Nifti image
I am trying to convert a DTIPrep's output back to Nifti format, and the DWIConvert tool threw a segmentation fault error.
Here are details:
- Convert original Nifti to Nrrd, DTIPrep only supports Nrrd. This step is successful.
DWIConvert \
--inputVolume dwi.nii \
--inputBVectors bvec.txt \
--inputBValues bval.txt \
--conversionMode FSLToNrrd \
-o dwi.nrrd
- I tested DTIPrep for quality check with the following command. This step is successful.
DTIPrep \
--echo \
--check \
--default \
--xmlProtocol test.xml \
--DWINrrdFile dwi.nrrd
- convert the output (Nrrd format) of DTIPrep back to Nifty format.
DWIConvert \
--allowLossyConversion \
--inputVolume dwi_QCed.nrrd \
--outputVolume dwi_QCed.nii.gz \
--outputBVectors dwi_QCed.bvec \
--outputBValues dwi_QCed.bval \
--conversionMode NrrdToFSL
The output of DTIPrep has "unsigned short", "allowLossyConversion" option is added. The error is:
======= DWI Convert Public Lib Ctest =========
INPUT VOLUME: dwi_QCed.nrrd
Segmentation fault
Some information:
$ Slicer --version
$ DWIConvert --version
DWIConvert version: 4.8.0
$ uname -mrsn
Linux 2.6.32-696.18.7.el6.x86_64 x86_64
I upload the problematic nrrd file here. Please help check it. Thanks!
Hi, I have the same problem in Mac . Is there any solution ?
I am 99% sure this is fixed in the upstream version 5.0.0 version of BRAINSTools DWIConvert.
I am sorry to reopen this after so long, but I am using the newest DWIConvert (5.3.0) and am experiencing the same issue after using DTIPrep 1.2.10.
Can you provide an anonymized data example so that I can track down what is going wrong? I will need to be able to replicate the problem before it can be solved.