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Tools for editing resources in SCUMM games.


Tools for editing resources in SCUMM games.


  • Extract and Edit fonts for v5-v7 + HE
  • Extract and Edit NUT fonts - v7-v8
  • Extract and Replace SMUSH video frames
  • Compress SMUSH videos (like scummvm-tools)
  • Extract and Rebuild game resources - v5-v8 + HE
  • Extract and Inject text strings - v5-v8 + HE
  • Extract and Replace background and objects images - v5-v8 + HE (option to extract EGA backgrounds)
  • Decompile game scripts to Windex[*]-like syntax - v5-v8 + HE

[*] SCUMM debugger from and HE demos for DOS


Latest development binaries can be downloaded here:

Thanks to


Extract and rebuild

Supported games: V5-V8, HE

Extract game resources to patch files using:

nutcracker sputm extract PATH/TO/GAME.000

*Replace PATH/TO/GAME.000 to actual game index file (Usually ends with .000, .LA0 or .HE0)

This also creates XML-like file rpdump.xml to show which files were extracted.

Rebuild game resources from patches (using original resource as reference):

nutcracker sputm build --ref PATH/TO/GAME.000 GAME


SPUTM Font (CHAR chunks)

Supported games: V5-V7, HE

Extract the fonts using:

nutcracker sputm fonts_extract PATH/TO/GAME.000

*Replace PATH/TO/GAME.000 to actual game index file (Usually ends with .000, .LA0 or .HE0)

fonts will be extracted as PNG images to directory GAME/chars relative to workdir.

*Replace GAME with name of the game (e.g. ATLANTIS if game index file is ATLANTIS.000)

Modify the font images with any image editor.

Create patch files for the modified font:

nutcracker sputm fonts_inject --ref PATH/TO/GAME.000 GAME

Rebuild game resources

nutcracker sputm build --ref PATH/TO/GAME.000 GAME

NUT Fonts

Supported games: V7-V8


Decode all NUT files in given directory DATADIR

nutcracker smush decode DATADIR/*.NUT --nut --target OUTDIR

Creates a font image file named chars.png in OUTDIR which can be edited using regular image editing software (e.g. GIMP)


Encode given font image (PNG_FILE) with given codec number (CODEC) using REF_NUT_FILE as reference

python -m nutcracker.smush.encode PNG_FILE --target NEW_NUT_FILE --ref REF_NUT_FILE --codec CODEC [--fake CODEC]

This will convert font image file back to font file (NEW_NUT_FILE) which can be used in game.

Available codecs:

  • 21 (FT + The Dig*)
  • 44 (COMI*)

*FONT3.NUT and the fonts in The Dig was actually encoded using codec 21 method but marked as 44. It can be achieved using --codec 21 --fake 44. see examples in test.bat

SMUSH Videos

Decode and Re-encode

Supported games: V7-V8

Decode frames using

nutcracker smush decode DATADIR/*.SAN --target OUTDIR

Frames will be extracted as PNG files to OUTDIR/VIDEO.SAN where VIDEO.SAN matches the filename of the video.

Re-encode the video using:

python -m nutcracker.smush.encode_san_seq DATADIR/VIDEO.SAN

where DATADIR/VIDEO.SAN is path to original SMUSH video file

The new video will be created as NEW_VIDEO2.SAN in workdir

*To reduce result file size, it is recommended to only re-encode modified frames, this can be done by removing unaltered frames from OUTDIR/VIDEO.SAN


Supported games: V7-V8

Compress video frames using zlib compression, as in scummvm-tools

nutcracker smush compress DATADIR/*.SAN


Extract and Inject script text

Supported games: V5-V8, HE

Extract all texts from game to text file using:

nutcracker sputm strings_extract --textfile strings.txt PATH/TO/GAME.000

*Replace PATH/TO/GAME.000 to actual game index file (Usually ends with .000, .LA0 or .HE0)

Edit the text file using regular text editor.

Inject the modified text in game resources using:

nutcracker sputm strings_inject  --textfile strings.txt PATH/TO/GAME.000

Decompile game script

Supported games: V5-V8, HE

Decompile game scripts to script file with Windex-like syntax:

nutcracker sputm script decompile PATH/TO/GAME.000

*Replace PATH/TO/GAME.000 to actual game index file (Usually ends with .000, .LA0 or .HE0)


Room background and object images

Supported games: V5-V8, HE

Extract room background and object images using:

nutcracker sputm room decode [--ega] PATH/TO/GAME.000

*Replace PATH/TO/GAME.000 to actual game index file (Usually ends with .000, .LA0 or .HE0)

*Use the --ega if you wish to simulate EGA graphics on games with EGA backward compatibility mode, don't use it if you wish to modify the graphics for injecting modified graphics later

Room backgrounds and Object images will be extracted as PNG images in GAME/backgrounds and GAME/objects respectively, where GAME is replaced with the name of the game.

Modify the image files, it's recommended to use image editor without palette optimization, such as GraphicsGale.

Create patch files for the modified images using:

nutcracker sputm room encode --ref PATH/TO/GAME.000 GAME

Rebuild game resources

nutcracker sputm build --ref PATH/TO/GAME.000 GAME

Source available at