
Results 81 comments of Evgeny

Thanks a lot @masa-orca !

Welcome back @pyrodie18! -) Life is a one big shit show...

> Gentlemen, I'm not particularly strong when it comes to the configuration of web servers, especially the PHP part of it. Within the web role, do we need to template...

> @BGmot If it really have concerns to keep supporting php5? Seems out of support too. I don't deal with roles a lot but don't mind removing php5 support, it...

So what's outstanding items? - drop zabbix-api support - clean up roles variables - decide on what versions of Zabbix/OSs we support and clean up the collection - ... ?

Tthanks @masa-orca! sorry for delay in merging, @D3DeFi please merge if you don't have other comments? The PR looks good to me, I approved.

@DamienDaco would you please create a PR? Can you do this for other Linux distributions?

yes, httpapi is a "connection" plugin so works exactly as for example "ssh" one does - connects to the host from inventory (the play is running against) unless you use...

ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26 revision 54768) [x86_64-linux] The problem is in dependency specification - there is no pry-byebug gem version 0.x.x: https://rubygems.org/gems/pry-byebug/versions