BFO-2020 copied to clipboard
BUG: Incorrect usage of CLIF titlings
Describe the bug IMHO, all CLIF files are syntactically incorrect as far as the use of CLIF titlings is concerned.
To Reproduce According to the spec, i.e., section A.2.3.10 Titling, a CLIF titling should contain exactly one instance of a CLIF text - see the snippet below. On the other hand, a CLIF text, provided that it is not a domainrestriction or an importation or a commenttext must contain the 'cl:text' reserved element.
Consider now, in particular the text that starts with:
Since this CLIF outdiscourse element is not a CLIF text and since it is followed by a commentsent, this does not follow the ISO spec.
Expected behavior As far as I can tell, the fragment above should read as follows:
(cl:outdiscourse occupies-spatial-region temporal-part-of exists-at has-proper-continuant-part proper-continuant-part-of instance-of has-continuant-part continuant-part-of)
(cl:comment "continuant-part-of and has-continuant-part are inverse relations [eld-1]"
(forall (t a b)
(iff (continuant-part-of a b t) (has-continuant-part b a t))))
Additional context Snippets from the ISO spec
A.2.3.10 Titling
CLIF titling gives a text a name.titling = open, 'cl:ttl', interpretablename , text , close ;
A.2.3.15 Text
CLIF text is a text construction, importation, or domain restriction.text = textconstruction | domainrestriction | importation | commenttext ;