Results 26 comments of BCITMike

Found the issue. Another if/else check is needed when sending the last packet in the "if (curPacket < (numPackets-1)) ". If the last packet size is 0, it sends a...

TCP is a better way to go when you need reliability and cannot handle packet loss. However, UDP will ALWAYS result in a higher throughput, so when your numbers don't...

Looks like a container is needed so that multiple buffers can be sent using a single send_to: [example](http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/doc/html/boost_asio/example/serialization/connection.hpp): // Write the serialized data to the socket. We use "gather-write" to...

Can you confirm if this is the expected/desired behaviour for the sequence numbers? With sequence only being sent, I capture on the receiver and the packets look like: ff ff...

I just noticed that crc is now 8 bytes, with 4 bytes being zero's? What was the reason for going to 64 bits from 32? Can we just use 4...

Also, for testing, I'm using a simple Signal source connected to UDP sink on PC1 and UDP source to QT freq sink on PC2. PC2 only displays the expected 1Khz...

Thanks for that detailed reply. For the use case I am working on, I need to add the boost endpoint stuff to use raw socket and I need to make...

I have a coding issue that I don't understand that I thought I'll quickly run by you in case you ran into this and know exactly what the issue is....

Hmm, I suspect my setup might be bad. I was sometimes getting a python invalid pointer issue (that required a reboot to get past), and got fixed with: sudo apt-get...

Thanks, I've done those three changes. I don't know what changed, but I did get the payload size in and working. However, when I try and do the same for...