Results 17 comments of BBC-Esq

Finally found the website for sox...apparently it hasn't been updated since 2015 so I'm not sure why in the world Pytorch would use it. I say set the default to...

Hey, thank you. BTW, tell your colleague over at insanely-fast-whisper to change his readme and not dump on other peoples' work... Moving on...Thank you sincerely for the technical discussion. I'm...

I forgot to ask, is it true that Distil-Whisper can't do any language besides English...and that's basically the tradeoff? Looking forward to your work on distil-whisper. Definitely in the hopper...

That's awesome, thanks for the info, very helpful. I noticed you said that Hugging Face Transformers' that the same as BetterTransformers in a way? BetterTransformers is basically a class/library...

I didn't get a direct response to my main question. Let's try asking again...Did the dude at insanely-fast-whisper actually create any of the code of these underlying technologies? Wink with...

Thanks for the platitudes, but they still didn't answer my question. No worries, I're in a tight spot with him being a co-worker. I am not, however, in such...

lol, Noting was actually addressed, but go ahead and close if you want Sanchit.