antd-snippets icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
antd-snippets copied to clipboard

Ant-Design Snippets for VS Code

Ant Design


Ant-Design Snippets for VS Code


Install the extension here

Or by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), and running

ext install antd-snippets

Ant Design

Available Snippets

Trigger Description
antaffix Affix
antalert Alert
antautocomplete AutoComplete
antavatar Avatar
antbadge Badge
antbread Breadcrumb
antbutton Button
antbutton-group Basic Button Group
antbutton-radio-group Radio Group Button
antbutton-w-icon Button with Icon
antcard Card with extra
antcard Carousel
antcascader Cascader
antcheckbox The Basic Checkbox
antcheckbox-group Generate a group of checkboxes from an array
antcollapse Collapse
antdatepicker DatePicker
antdatepicker-monthpicker MonthPicker
antdatepicker-rangepicker RangePicker
antdatepicker-weekpicker WeekPicker
antdropdown The Basic Dropdown
antempty Empty
antempty-w-message Empty with message
antform Create a vertical Form
antform-horizontal Horizontal Form
antform-inline Create an inline Form
antform-wrapped Create a Form to be wrapped by Form.create()
anticon Icon
antinput Basic Input
antinput-addon Input With addon
antinput-formatted Input Formatted
antinput-group Input Group
antinput-group-compact Create an Input Gourp with compact mode
antinput-number Input Number
antinput-select Create an Input Group with Select
antlayout The Basic Layout
antlist List
antmenu Menu
antmessage Message
antmodal Modal
antmodal-info Information Modal
antnotification Notification
antpageheader Page Header
antpagination Pagination
antpopconfirm Popconfirm
antpopover Popover
antprogress Progress
antradio Radio
antradiogroup Radio Group
antradiogroup-button Radio Button Group
antrate Rate
antrow The Basic Grid Row
antselect Select
antskeleton Skeleton
antslider Slider
antspin Spin
antspin-container Spin in Container
antstatistic Statistic
antsteps Steps
antswitch Switch
anttable Basic JSX Style Table
anttabs Tabs
anttag Tag
anttimeline Timeline
anttimepicker TimePicker
anttooltip Tooltip
anttypography-ellipsis Typography Ellipsis
anttypography-example Typography
anttypography-interactive Typography Interactive
anttypography-paragraph Typography Paragraph
anttypography-text Typography Text
anttypography-title Typography Title