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The Biochemical Algorithms Library
**Reported by akdehof on 3 Feb 43183492 22:58 UTC** PresentaBALL - project "Cancer" shows DNA in Cartoon model, where the backbone coloring is shifted by one compared to the nucleotid...
**Reported by anhi on 20 Oct 41056078 05:12 UTC** set stick model for representation download 2ptc create a surface for the first chain E addHydrogens to the second chain E...
**Reported by wolfgang on 30 Nov 40940819 11:04 UTC** None
**Reported by akdehof on 3 Aug 40865214 15:13 UTC** Please add python "Constants" and mark "Constant" as deprecated.
**Reported by akdehof on 14 Mar 40856315 09:58 UTC** During simulations etc the HBonds and their representation(s) cannot be automatically updated.
**Reported by dstoeckel on 12 Jan 40688293 06:40 UTC** While large molecules like 1AOI run smoothly in e.g. PyMol, BALLView's user experience is reduced to mere stuttering. Whilest there is...
**Reported by dstoeckel on 18 Jul 40590349 06:40 UTC** Using the rubberband selection is not possible on a SES. However if an additional e.g. Line representation is present selecting atoms...
**Reported by dstoeckel on 3 Feb 40587683 19:33 UTC** Currently there is no way to set the variant of a Fragment after it has been created. Even querying this information...
**Reported by dstoeckel on 21 Dec 40540965 02:40 UTC** It seems as if instead of a 12-10 potential a 14-12 potential is computed in line 825 of amberNonBonded.C: ``` cpp...
**Reported by akdehof on 11 Dec 40459412 04:00 UTC** Storing a splitted surface in a project and reading this project later on crashes BALLView.