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Possible error in Amber HydrogenBond force calculation
Reported by dstoeckel on 21 Dec 40540965 02:40 UTC It seems as if instead of a 12-10 potential a 14-12 potential is computed in line 825 of amberNonBonded.C:
tmp *= inverse_distance_12 * (12 * LJ_data.values.A * inverse_distance_2 - 10 * LJ_data.values.B);
This is probably a bug. However the ForceField code is quite involved...
Commented by akdehof on 27 Jan 40936087 04:33 UTC Deferred to 1.4.1
Commented by chahuistle on 30 Aug 44026248 00:54 UTC This line of code doesn't exist anymore