crypto-algorithms copied to clipboard
Basic implementations of standard cryptography algorithms, like AES and SHA-1.
Added printing Test with 1 call function directly.
Declared function
Maybe I'm just dumb as the test program probably compiles for other people, but it complains about aes_decrypt_cbc() being undeclared. And I'm not seeing it in the aes.h... # Also,...
The function `arcfour_generate_stream` in `arcfour.c` set the `i` and `j` variables back to 0 at the start of every iteration of the for loop, while they're only supposed to be...
Some compilers cast `mode` to a bool when inverted with `!`, this fixes it by changing the modes for each step of 3DES to be hard-coded to their correct values.
cannot compile. dev c++ returns the following errors: 254 C:\algorithms-lib\des.c cannot convert `bool' to`DES_MODE' for argument `3' to`void des_key_setup(const BYTE_, BYTE (_)[6], DES_MODE)' 259 C:\algorithms-lib\des.c cannot convert `bool' to`DES_MODE' for...
The RC4 cipher generates a constant byte as key stream after a while (~160 characters). The reason is that `i` and `j` are initialized to 0 every time `arcfour_generate_stream()` is...
Hello, The finalizing function of hash algorithms doesn't clean up their previously used buffers, as a result, anyone is able to read the data from the context. This is a...