AppModelv2-NativeClient-DotNet copied to clipboard
Runtime errors while runnning this project
Hello, I'm using VS2019 and I wanted to learn how to setup Azure AD with my web API. Here's a summary of what I had to do different to make it compile and work:
- TodoListclient MainWindow.xaml.cs L42-43 (Remove the todo: in the AppConfig parameters)
- TodoListclient MainWindow.xaml.cs L227: Grabbing from the text fiend caused a crash due to threads on run time, so I just hardcoded "test" for now, but I'm sure you can do better. :)
- Nuget: Newtonsoft.json, align todolistclient and todolistservice to version 12.0.3
- Nuget: Upgrade all Microsoft.Asp* to 5.2.7
It took me a few hours to sort this out, but nonetheless the was good.
To add to @yell0wc0w2's comments. Yes to point 1, 3 and 4.
Regarding point 2, I usually use MVVM and ICommand (or similar) but to resolve the code "as is" for the InvalidOperation regarding the code executing on a different thread, a quick fix is to change the following line:
var todoItem = new TodoItem() { Title = ToDoText.Text };
`var title = string.Empty;
Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
title = TodoText.Text;
var todoItem = new TodoItem() { Title = title };`
Not ideal but better than hardcoding a value and still don't understand how so many small glitches were left in there!
The System.InvalidOperationException: 'The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
does not occur because of this line:
var todoItem = new TodoItem() { Title = ToDoText.Text };
It is actually due to the fact that the todo:
causes both TodoListScope
and TodoListBaseAddress
variables to be null and causes other problems! Removing the todo:
actually takes care of the problem.
Hey thanks for coming back to me! Glad you were able to sort it out quickly. :)