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Helps creating protected web apps and web APIs with Microsoft identity platform and Azure AD B2C

Results 270 microsoft-identity-web issues
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### Microsoft.Identity.Web Library Microsoft.Identity.Web ### Microsoft.Identity.Web version 2.13.3 ### Web app Sign-in users and call web APIs ### Web API Protected web APIs (validating tokens) ### Token cache serialization In-memory...


We currently configuring our Function app like this: ``` "AzureAd:Authority": , "AzureAd:ClientId": "", "AzureAd:TenantId": , "AzureAd:Audience": "", ``` in Startup.cs ``` services.AddAuthentication(options => { options.DefaultScheme = Constants.Bearer; }) .AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApi(configuration); ```...

Azure Functions

### Microsoft.Identity.Web Library Microsoft.Identity.Web.OWIN ### Microsoft.Identity.Web version 2.15.1 ### Web app Sign-in users and call web APIs ### Web API Not Applicable ### Token cache serialization Not Applicable ### Description...


### Microsoft.Identity.Web Library Microsoft.Identity.Web ### Microsoft.Identity.Web version 2.13.3 ### Web app Sign-in users ### Web API Protected web APIs (validating tokens) ### Token cache serialization In-memory caches ### Description NRE...


### Microsoft.Identity.Web Library Microsoft.Identity.Web ### Microsoft.Identity.Web version 2.15.3 ### Web app Sign-in users and call web APIs ### Web API Not Applicable ### Token cache serialization In-memory caches ### Description...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** For MVC .Net Framework OWIN solutions. The solution for .Net Framework OWIN projects makes it possible to use an appsettings.json...

needs documentation

### Microsoft.Identity.Web Library Microsoft.Identity.Web.OWIN ### Microsoft.Identity.Web version 2.15.3 ### Web app Sign-in users ### Web API Not Applicable ### Token cache serialization Not Applicable ### Description When setting the `WithSpaAuthCode`...

feature request

### Microsoft.Identity.Web Library Microsoft.Identity.Web ### Microsoft.Identity.Web version 2.15.3 ### Web app Not Applicable ### Web API Protected web APIs call downstream web APIs ### Token cache serialization Not Applicable ###...

by design

# {PR title} This PR is related to the Issue - [x] You've read the [Contributor Guide]( and [Code of Conduct]( - [x] You've included unit or integration tests...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** For MVC .Net Framework OWIN solutions. If I use AppBuilderExtension.AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp() with an app registration containing multiple Uri's it will just...

feature request