active-directory-b2c-wordpress-plugin-openidconnect copied to clipboard
A plugin for WordPress that allows users to authenticate with Azure AD B2C using OpenID Connect.
This plugin, when enabled, prevents access to the standard login method/page (at wp-login.php or wp-admin.php). This isn't a problem, unless you run into a B2C problem, or a configuration error....
Hello, I have a multi site network and I'm using woo-commerce in one of those sites, I'm also using AAD B2C in order to keep my customers data secure, but...
Is it possible to use the domain with this plugin, instead of the standard domain I need to use the domain because it is the only one...
Hello, We are getting the error "Unable to retrieve metadata from" I think its to do with this URL its making as when I hard code the url it...
I have previously installed this plugin on the server where WordPress was hosted internally on my company's hardware and it worked. However when I try to install it on the...
Hello In our application, we do not want the user to be able to signup, only sign in via the application. Signup has a separate process. So we removed the...
If I configure only sign-in policy with the plugin then after login with active directory, user is being redirected to site home page. Post login, even if i try to...
``` $decoded_response = json_decode($response['body'], true); ``` Can return NULL. The following line tries to count a type (NULL) which isn't a countable type which in turn produces a warning message....
For example if I want a field called company, I first create the field in Azure, then I add the following code to my Wordpress plugin/functions.php file: ``` function custom_ms_fields($userID,...