MSAL.PS copied to clipboard
There was an error loading some dependencies. DeviceCode paramter will not function.
Upgraded to v4.21.0.1 on Windows PowerShell 5.1.
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 5.1.19041.1
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.19041.1
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
On module import I get the error: WARNING: There was an error loading some dependencies. DeviceCode paramter will not function.
Here is the verbose debug output
PS C:\Users\darrenjrobinson> remove-module
PS C:\Users\darrenjrobinson> import-module -verbose -debug
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Populating RepositorySourceLocation property for module
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
VERBOSE: Dot-sourcing the script file
VERBOSE: Loading module from path
WARNING: There was an error loading some dependencies. DeviceCode paramter will not function.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Add-MsalClientApplication'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Clear-MsalTokenCache'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'ConvertFrom-SecureStringAsPlainText'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'ConvertTo-Dictionary'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Enable-MsalTokenCacheOnDisk'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-MsalAccount'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-MsalClientApplication'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-MsalToken'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'New-MsalClientApplication'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-MsalClientApplication'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Select-MsalClientApplication'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Select-PsBoundParameters'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Add-MsalClientApplication'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Clear-MsalTokenCache'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Enable-MsalTokenCacheOnDisk'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-MsalAccount'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-MsalClientApplication'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-MsalToken'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'New-MsalClientApplication'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-MsalClientApplication'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Select-MsalClientApplication'.
PS C:\Users\darrenjrobinson>