terraform-azurerm-caf-enterprise-scale copied to clipboard
Archetype_config_overrides not working on extended archetype
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terraform: 1.7.4
azure provider: 3.95.0
module: ~>5.0.0
Describe the bug
Using archetype_config_overrides, the landing-zones archetype is not overridden with regards to policy assignments. Other archetypes like the platform can be successfully modified. What I suspect is that the extension to the landing zones might be the reason.
Why do both? We use the same project to manage multiple root ids. The extensions are used globally if you will, the overrides are used per root id. I've not found anything in the docs regarding the merging behavior.
Steps to Reproduce
Create an extension archetype_extension_es_landing_zones.tmpl.json in your library folder.
"extend_es_landing_zones": {
"policy_assignments": [
"policy_definitions": [],
"policy_set_definitions": [],
"role_definitions": [],
"archetype_config": {
"access_control": {},
"parameters": {}
Plan changes, notice that no changes are planned for the landing-zones MG that pertain to changing the enforcement mode of Deny-Subnet-Without-Nsg
module "enterprise_scale" {
source = "Azure/caf-enterprise-scale/azurerm"
version = "~>5.0.0"
default_location = var.default_location
providers = {
azurerm = azurerm
azurerm.connectivity = azurerm.connectivity
azurerm.management = azurerm.management
azurerm.identity = azurerm.identity
root_parent_id = data.azurerm_client_config.core.tenant_id
root_id = var.root_id
root_name = var.root_name
subscription_id_connectivity = local.subscriptions.connectivity
subscription_id_management = local.subscriptions.management
subscription_id_identity = local.subscriptions.identity
strict_subscription_association = false
deploy_core_landing_zones = true
deploy_connectivity_resources = true
deploy_identity_resources = true
deploy_management_resources = true
configure_connectivity_resources = local.network_config
configure_identity_resources = local.identity_config
configure_management_resources = local.management_config
disable_telemetry = true
library_path = "${path.module}/../configurationdata/es_lib"
archetype_config_overrides = {
"${var.root_id}-platform" = {
parameters = {}
enforcement_mode = {
Enforce-GR-KeyVault = false
"${var.root_id}-landing-zones" = {
parameters = {}
enforcement_mode = {
Deny-Subnet-Without-Nsg = false
custom_landing_zones = yamldecode(templatefile("${path.module}/../configurationdata/${var.root_id}/nonstandard-management-groups.yml", {
rootid = var.root_id