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AKS Private DNS Permissions error
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We're getting a permission issue similar to this one AKS Private DNS while creating the AKS private cluster. We enable private dns zone and assign the private DNS zone ID as below.
private_cluster_enabled = true
private_dns_zone_id = data.azurerm_private_dns_zone.azmk8s.id
However, upon running the Terraform code to create the private cluster, we get the customPrivateDNSZoneMissingPermission error, as shown below.
Service principal or user-assigned identity must be given permission to read and write to custom private dns zone /subscriptions/{sub-id}/resourceGroups/rg-dns-connectivity/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/privatelink.westeurope.azmk8s.io. Check access result not allowed for action Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/write
One way to solve this is to assign the "Private DNS Contributor" permissions to the AKS user-assigned identity, but that doesn't seem to be a good solution following the hub-spoke approach, as in this case, we will be allowing landing zone corp subscriptions services to get permissions over the private DNS zones in the connectivity subscription.
Another way I am thinking of solving this is to delegate the private DNS zones to the land-zones subscriptions, but the CAF module doesn't have any such feature to enable this.
Following the CAF best practices, any suggestions or help for solving this issue would be appreciated.
Hi I think this is the wrong repo - you want https://github.com/aztfmod/terraform-azurerm-caf
@matt-FFFFFF We are not using https://github.com/aztfmod/terraform-azurerm-caf
We use this terraform-azurerm-caf-enterprise-scale module to deploy the management group hierarchy, including the governance, policies, and access controls. The module also deploys private DNS zones in the connectivity subscription.
The issue is that whenever we provision a private AKS cluster or enable a private endpoint for any of the CORP landing zone subscription services, we are prompted to grant Private DNS Contributor permissions on the private DNS zones in the connectivity subscriptions.
This what we did in our code to get round it, use a data source to the actual aks private dns zone and then add a role assignment before creating aks cluster
For example:
data "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "azmk8s" {
name = local.dns.azk8s_dns_zone_name
resource_group_name = local.dns.dns_rg_name
provider = azurerm.connectivity
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "assign_identity_private_dns_contributor" {
scope = data.azurerm_private_dns_zone.azmk8s.id
role_definition_name = "Private DNS Zone Contributor"
principal_id = azurerm_user_assigned_identity.managed_identity.principal_id
@anwarnk Yes, this is how we solved it as well. However, granting AKS permissions over the private DNS zones in the connectivity subscription is not a good idea.