secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-azure copied to clipboard
Gitops(FluxCD) approach supported ?
Hi, Is this CSI driver GitOps-friendly? in particular FluxCD
I am currently using FluxCD as a GitOps operator and would like to evaluate the azure CSI driver as a secret management solution
Is there documentation around how to use this CSI driver in GitOps approach?
Thank you!
Hi @danielkimuipath, Thanks for opening an issue. Could you elaborate on your use case? How are you thinking of using it with FluxCD? We do not have GitOps-specific docs.
I am wondering if the installation way via FluxCD is defined for Azure CSI Driver.
We do not have GitOps-specific docs
Is there going to be a plan for it? or is there any limitation with GitOps usage?
We do not have specific install instructions for FluxCD. Are you willing to do a quick PoC? PRs are always welcome. We can help you along the way.