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Iteration with a child resource Error: required properties: "scope"

Open alex-frankel opened this issue 3 years ago • 13 comments

Discussed in

Originally posted by jackpye1997 February 17, 2022 I'm trying to deploy Sentinel analytic rules through a bicep module however, when I try to loop though an array to deploy the automation action child resources associated with the analytic rule it give me this error. image

According to the documentation and as far as I'm aware this resource shouldn't need a scope just a parent parameter. Am I doing something wrong here or is this a bug? If the child resource is not encapsulated in a loop it doesn't error

Module code below

param playbooks array = []
\\other params

resource detection_rule 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules@2021-03-01-preview' = {
  scope: workspace
  name: name
  kind: 'Scheduled'
    displayName: empty(displayName) ? name : displayName
    description: description
    queryFrequency: queryFrequency_ISO_8601
    queryPeriod: queryPeriod_ISO_8601
    query: query
    enabled: enabled
    severity: severity
    entityMappings: ((!empty(entities)) ? entities : null)
    triggerOperator: triggerOperator
    triggerThreshold: triggerThreshold
    suppressionDuration: 'PT5H'
    suppressionEnabled: false
    tactics: tactics
    alertRuleTemplateName: empty(alertRuleTemplateName) ? null : alertRuleTemplateName
    incidentConfiguration: {
      createIncident: true
      groupingConfiguration: {
        matchingMethod: 'AllEntities'
        reopenClosedIncident: false
        lookbackDuration: 'PT5M'
        enabled: false

resource detection_rule_playbooks 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions@2021-09-01-preview' =  [for (playbook, i) in playbooks: {
  parent: detection_rule
  name: '${name}-${i}'
  properties: {
    triggerUri: listCallbackURL('${playbook}/triggers/When_a_response_to_an_Azure_Sentinel_alert_is_triggered', '2016-06-01').value
    logicAppResourceId: playbook

alex-frankel avatar Feb 17 '22 20:02 alex-frankel

welcome to the wonderful world of Sentinel APIs. Resource within resource within resource as extension on other resource :)

slavizh avatar Feb 18 '22 07:02 slavizh

@slavizh to clarify as it seems you know this resource - there should be a scope parameter because it's an extension resource? But the bicep does not allow it to set in conjunction with parent resource and a for loop?

miqm avatar Feb 18 '22 21:02 miqm

@miqm know it a little bit. I had little interactions with the Sentinel APIs and they are not good to my experience. I think the problem is within the initial design where instead of having their own top level resource and just referencing Log Analytics workspace by resource ID, they have opted to be an API with Log Analytics workspace. That is of course my opinion as outsider without knowing the full details. But yeah in short Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules is extension resource to the Log Analytics workspace and Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions is extension resource to the Log Analytics workspace but also second level resource under Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules. So either Bicep needs to put some logic that extension resources could be multi-level (not just one) or it needs to support both scope and parent at the same time which also requires changes in Bicep. For me the first option would seem better as the example code seems the right way to define this from code perspective.

slavizh avatar Feb 21 '22 09:02 slavizh

It seems like an issue with nested resources under extension resources (unclear if loop involvement affects the bug)

majastrz avatar Mar 02 '22 20:03 majastrz

@majastrz I had planned to review this, however did not do so during the past week.

If you are clear this is a bug, then I will unassign it from myself? otherwise I can still follow up with some further investigation, just let me know?

brwilkinson avatar Mar 02 '22 22:03 brwilkinson

Hi @jackpye1997 your discussion was converted to an issue, however I don't believe you were tagged.

Are you able to provide a full repro sample for this scenario?

you have other params however if you can provide a complete template including default parameter values so that we can run it directly without any param file, that would be most helpful.

param playbooks array = []
\\other params

brwilkinson avatar Mar 11 '22 00:03 brwilkinson

Hi guys, thanks for tagging me

@majastrz - This issue still persists when child resource is not nested.

I've actually found a solution for this using the ARM templates generated when using the 'Export' feature for rules in sentinel although its not the prettiest. The following code works

param name string
param description string
param workspace_name string
param query string
param queryFrequency string
param queryPeriod string
param displayName string = ''
param severity string
param enabled bool = true
param triggerThreshold int = 0
param triggerOperator string = 'GreaterThan'
param playbooks array = []
param alertRuleTemplateName string = ''
param tactics array = []
// [
//   {
//     entityType: 'Account'
//     fieldMappings: [
//       {
//         identifier: 'FullName'
//         columnName: 'AccountCustomEntity'
//       }
//     ]
//   }
//   {
//     entityType: 'IP'
//     fieldMappings: [
//       {
//         identifier: 'Address'
//         columnName: 'IPCustomEntity'
//       }
//     ]
//   }
// ]
param entities array = []

var queryFrequency_ISO_8601 =  contains(ISO_8601_time_components, toUpper(last(queryFrequency))) ? toUpper('PT${queryFrequency}') : toUpper('P${queryFrequency}')
var queryPeriod_ISO_8601 =  contains(ISO_8601_time_components, toUpper(last(queryPeriod))) ? toUpper('PT${queryPeriod}') : toUpper('P${queryPeriod}')

var ISO_8601_time_components  = [
resource workspace 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2021-06-01' existing = {
  name : workspace_name

resource detection_rule 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules@2021-03-01-preview' = {
  scope: workspace
  name: name
  kind: 'Scheduled'
    displayName: empty(displayName) ? name : displayName
    description: description
    queryFrequency: queryFrequency_ISO_8601
    queryPeriod: queryPeriod_ISO_8601
    query: query
    enabled: enabled
    severity: severity
    entityMappings: ((!empty(entities)) ? entities : null)
    triggerOperator: triggerOperator
    triggerThreshold: triggerThreshold
    suppressionDuration: 'PT5H'
    suppressionEnabled: false
    tactics: tactics
    alertRuleTemplateName: empty(alertRuleTemplateName) ? null : alertRuleTemplateName
    incidentConfiguration: {
      createIncident: true
      groupingConfiguration: {
        matchingMethod: 'AllEntities'
        reopenClosedIncident: false
        lookbackDuration: 'PT5M'
        enabled: false

resource detection_rule_playbooks 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules/actions@2021-09-01-preview' = [for (playbook, index) in playbooks: if(playbooks != []) {
  name: '${workspace_name}/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/${name}/${name}${last(split(playbook, '/'))}'
  properties: {
    triggerUri: listCallbackURL('${playbook}/triggers/When_a_response_to_an_Azure_Sentinel_alert_is_triggered', '2016-06-01').value
    logicAppResourceId: playbook
  dependsOn: [

jackpye1997 avatar Mar 11 '22 09:03 jackpye1997

The alertRule action is scoped to both the OperationalInsights workspace and is also a child from the alertRule

There does appear to be an issue in natively defining both of these in Bicep.

A valid ActionId is as follows:


The simplest way to define this is as follows.

resource workspace 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2021-06-01' existing = {
  name: 'acu1brwaoat5LogAnalytics'

resource alertrule 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules@2021-09-01-preview' = {
  name: 'new2'
  scope: workspace
  kind: 'Scheduled'
  properties: {

resource logicApp 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows@2019-05-01' existing = {
  name: 'logic01'

resource action 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions@2021-09-01-preview' = {
  name: 'new2/action1'    // <---- This works correctly for parent
  scope: workspace    // <---- This works correctly for scope
  properties: {
    triggerUri: logicApp.listCallbackUrl().value

The above syntax works correctly ✅

Below syntax options do not work correctly ❌

  • I see 2 possible options ?

option 1

// scope and parent ?
resource action 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions@2021-09-01-preview' = {
  name: 'action1'
  parent: alertrule        //  <--- parent
  scope: workspace    //  <--- scope
  properties: {
    triggerUri: logicApp.listCallbackUrl().value

Has the following error:

  • A child resource's scope is computed based on the scope of its ancestor resource. This means that using the "scope" property on a child resource is unsupported.
	"owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#2",
	"code": "BCP164",
	"severity": 8,
	"message": "A child resource's scope is computed based on the scope of its ancestor resource. This means that using the \"scope\" property on a child resource is unsupported.",
	"source": "bicep"

option 2

// using the scope of the parent ?
resource action 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions@2021-09-01-preview' = {
  name: 'action1'
  scope: alertrule
  properties: {
    triggerUri: logicApp.listCallbackUrl().value

Has the following error:

  • Expected resource name to contain 1 "/" character(s). The number of name segments must match the number of segments in the resource type.
	"owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#2",
	"code": "BCP169",
	"severity": 8,
	"message": "Expected resource name to contain 1 \"/\" character(s). The number of name segments must match the number of segments in the resource type.",
	"source": "bicep"

brwilkinson avatar Apr 02 '22 21:04 brwilkinson

@brwilkinson this internal doc might be helpful in understanding my thinking a bit (I wrote the doc and designed + implemented scope and parent, so any confusion is my responsibility)

Using the example from that doc (which unfortunately isn't going to be visible for non-MS employees), for an extension resourceId:


So in the Bicep file we essentially have the following resources being created:

  • a resourceGroup scoped resource:
    The scope here is implicitly resourceGroup(), because the default targetScope of the file is 'resourceGroup', and the scope property has not been set. This results in the /subscriptions/<id>/resourceGroups/<rg>/ prefix on the resourceId
  • an extension resource:
    The scope here is being explicitly set to the workspaces resource using the scope property. As you can see, this impacts what the resourceId looks like - it is prefixed with the resourceId of the scope resource (think of it like a REST sub-resource).
  • a child of an extension resource:
    This resource has the alertRules resource as a parent, so note that the resourceId is again prefixed with the parent resource. Because the child has to be a sub-resource of the parent, note that it wouldn't be possible for the child to have a different scope to the parent.

tl;dr: it doesn't make sense to allow both setting a parent and a scope for a child resource, because the scope will always have to match that of the parent resource.

anthony-c-martin avatar Jun 03 '22 12:06 anthony-c-martin

Hi @anthony-c-martin

So are you saying that this is the intented/preferred configuration/setting here?

resource action 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions@2021-09-01-preview' = {
  name: 'new2/action1'    // <---- This works correctly for parent
  scope: workspace    // <---- This works correctly for scope
  properties: {
    triggerUri: logicApp.listCallbackUrl().value

Given the scope is the workspace, however as an extension resource it still requires 2 arguments:

  • one for alertRules (parent)
  • one for actions

We don't have a native way to provide both arguments in this case. However, in other cases in Bicep i.e. for non extension resources, I believe we have attempted to discourage people from using alertRuleParentParam1/actionParam2 the slashes in the name.

brwilkinson avatar Jun 03 '22 18:06 brwilkinson

My preferred solution would be:

resource alertRule 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules@2021-09-01-preview' existing = {
  scope: workspace
  name: 'new2'

resource action 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions@2021-09-01-preview' = {
  parent: alertRule
  name: 'action1'
  properties: {
    triggerUri: logicApp.listCallbackUrl().value

Using slashes does work, but you're right - I'd like to discourage that where possible.

anthony-c-martin avatar Jun 03 '22 18:06 anthony-c-martin

By the way, in case it's not clear - I'm agreeing that this does seem like a legitimate bug to me.

anthony-c-martin avatar Jun 03 '22 18:06 anthony-c-martin

@anthony-c-martin sure sounds good ✅

I see what you mean:

the scope will always have to match that of the parent resource.

  • So it makes sense to use the parent (not scope)
    • then to make that work, sounds 👍🏼👍🏼i.e. resolve whatever BCP057 is below.
resource logicApp 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows@2019-05-01' existing = {
  name: 'logic01'

resource workspace 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2021-06-01' existing = {
  name: 'acu1brwaoat5LogAnalytics'

resource alertrule 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules@2021-09-01-preview' = {
  name: 'new2'
  scope: workspace
  kind: 'Scheduled'
  #disable-next-line BCP035
  properties: {
    //  ...

resource action 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions@2021-09-01-preview' = {
  name: 'action1'
  parent: alertRule  //<--- The name "alertRule" does not exist in the current context.bicep(BCP057)
  properties: {
    triggerUri: logicApp.listCallbackUrl().value

brwilkinson avatar Jun 03 '22 18:06 brwilkinson

Given this has been open for some time with not a lot of other reports, I'm moving this to 1.0. It's a very odd resource type combination, so while we should fix it, I think 1.0 is appropriate.

alex-frankel avatar Mar 02 '23 18:03 alex-frankel

Same issue seems to happen if you try to add an extension resource of watchlistItems ontop of a watchlist. Repro:

param watchlistItems array
param watchlistName string
param workspaceName string

resource workspace 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2022-10-01' existing = {
  name: workspaceName

var firstColumnName = !empty(watchlistItems) ? watchlistItems[0][0] : ''

resource watchlist 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/watchlists@2023-02-01-preview' = {
  scope: workspace
  name: watchlistName
  properties: {
    provider: 'Microsoft'
    displayName: watchlistName
    itemsSearchKey: firstColumnName

  resource watchlistItemsDeployment 'watchlistItems@2023-02-01-preview' = [for item in watchlistItems: {
    scope: watchlist
    name: guid(item)
    properties: {
      itemsKeyValue: item

image image

Kaloszer avatar Mar 14 '23 09:03 Kaloszer