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Upload of WebJob fails with Azure CLI (process out of memory)

Open oyvindholmstad opened this issue 9 years ago • 5 comments

We are trying to use the Azure CLI on linux (EDIT: The CLI fails on Windows as well) to upload a WebJob as part of our continuous deployment pipeline.

azure site job upload -v $WEB_JOB_NAME $WEB_JOB_TYPE $WEB_SITE_NAME

But the command fails after > 20 mins of waiting on the "Uploading WebJob" step.

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_2 Allocation failed - process out of memory

Some more info:

  • The cli is properly authenticated. We can trigger already existing WebJobs just fine.
  • The exact same uploads successfully from Microsoft Azure Powershell on Windows.
  • The zip-file contains a runnable jar, and a small .cmd-script to start it. File size: 30 MB
  • We tried setting the verbose-flag, but it does not give any more information.


Noticed that nodejs on my server was heavily outdated. Tried upgrading, but it still fails. However, now we got more error log:

- Uploading new WebJob                                                         
<--- Last few GCs --->

  48346 ms: Scavenge 1400.1 (1449.2) -> 1400.1 (1449.2) MB, 3.6 / 0 ms (+ 3.6 ms in 1 steps since last GC) [allocation failure] [incremental marking delaying mark-sweep].
  49061 ms: Mark-sweep 1400.1 (1449.2) -> 1399.5 (1448.2) MB, 714.8 / 0 ms (+ 37.2 ms in 2 steps since start of marking, biggest step 33.6 ms) [last resort gc].
  49980 ms: Mark-sweep 1399.5 (1448.2) -> 1398.2 (1449.2) MB, 919.2 / 0 ms [last resort gc].

<--- JS stacktrace --->

==== JS stack trace =========================================

Security context: 0xbdfe837339 <JS Object>
   1: keys [native v8natives.js:182] [pc=0x2d3aadca1cc4] (this=0xbdfe836b61 <JS Function Object (SharedFunctionInfo 0xbdfe836ad1)>,K=0xbdfe8a16b1 <an Uint8Array with map 0x25bf32151d09>)
   2: stringifyObject(aka stringifyObject) [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/azure-cli/node_modules/eyes/lib/eyes.js:176] [pc=0x2d3aadf9074a] (this=0xbdfe804131 <undefined>,obj=0xbdfe8a16b1 <an Uint8Array with map 0...

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory
programdatasender/src/main/bin/ line 25: 13358 Aborted                 (core dumped) azure site job upload $WEB_JOB_NAME $WEB_JOB_TYPE $WEB_SITE_NAME

oyvindholmstad avatar Oct 05 '15 07:10 oyvindholmstad

I am getting the same error when downloading a large file through the node.js interface.

<--- Last few GCs --->

  761431 ms: Mark-sweep 1394.8 (1445.7) -> 1394.7 (1445.7) MB, 442.9 / 0 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space requested].
  761869 ms: Mark-sweep 1394.7 (1445.7) -> 1394.7 (1445.7) MB, 439.0 / 0 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space requested].
  762324 ms: Mark-sweep 1394.7 (1445.7) -> 1391.4 (1445.7) MB, 455.2 / 0 ms [last resort gc].
  762760 ms: Mark-sweep 1391.4 (1445.7) -> 1394.7 (1445.7) MB, 434.8 / 0 ms [last resort gc].

<--- JS stacktrace --->

==== JS stack trace =========================================

Security context: 0000017DB40E3AD1 <JS Object>
    1: emitNode(aka emitNode) [C:\Users\#######\node_modules\azure-storage\node_modules\xml2js\node_modules\sax\lib\sax.js:~592] [pc=0000023443B9414E] (this=0000017DB4004189 <undefined>,parser=0000012B3030C751 <an SAXParser with map 000003076F542481>,nodeType=0000012B30314519 <String[10]: onclosetag>,data=0000024FCBF93989 <String[16]: Content-Encoding>)

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory

Did you ever find a solution?

delgadom avatar Jan 08 '16 23:01 delgadom

@delgadom No, I ended up using the REST Api. This is from my upload script:

# Workaround cause upload does not work from CLI


# Upload the zip file using curl 
curl -v -X PUT --data-binary -u $publishingUserName:$publishingPassword -H 'Content-Type: application/zip' -H 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="run.cmd"' $fullUrl

Nb! I start the webjob with run.cmd, so you may have to remove that if your zip has something else.

oyvindholmstad avatar Jan 11 '16 08:01 oyvindholmstad

This is likely an issue with the Azure CLI itself, and not a service side issue. Using the REST API is definitely the best course of action, for now, if you hit this issue.

christopheranderson avatar Jan 26 '16 02:01 christopheranderson

Too bad no one from MSFT care about this after a year! I'm running into the same issue attempting to use the pre-built Azure CLI Docker image.

docker run microsoft/azure-cli azure storage blob list

after peeling a few layers of the onion, the workaround that I'm currently attempt to use is:

docker run microsoft/azure-cli node --max_old_space_size=8000000 /usr/bin/azure <command>

That fixes the OOM error, but runs into a "invalid string length" error, so one step closer.

tfmorris avatar Oct 20 '16 23:10 tfmorris

@ahmedelnably - Can you take a look at this issue?

amarzavery avatar Oct 21 '16 00:10 amarzavery