azure-sdk-for-php copied to clipboard
Doesn't Support SAS Authentication
This makes this library nearly unusable from a perspective of integration scenarios where you are trying to work across vendors or companies. Given that this is a potentially major use case for queues, this is glaring. We got burned, had to redo our work and went to just plain curl / php guzzle. Would have been good to at least now this up front.
You can use Zend to do that:
Indeed, if you use a Shared Access Signature you can pretty much use any curl like interface, as you don't then have to sign requests. So we ended up using guzzle. But it was rather frustrating to even bother using this lib only to discover it didn't support SAS.
This is a problem as SAS is a way for you to enable remote (Javascript) clients to write directly to the storage.
This could be fixed after we replace PEAR packages.
I've hit the same issue trying to use service bus queues via the PHP SDK. ACS strings are no longer generated in the Azure portal and although I've found a few referenced articles mentioning that new SB queues can be created with ACS connection strings via Azure Powershell I hit a dead end trying to accomplish this.
Yes, you need to do this in PowerShell for the present time. Make sure you have Azure PowerShell installed, then in a PowerShell command prompt, run Add-AzureAccount # this will sign you in New-AzureSBNamespace -CreateACSNamespace $true -Name ‘mytestbusname' -Location ‘West US’ -NamespaceType 'Messaging'
Major issue for me - I had started creating an interface to talk to an existing service bus namespace that is of the "modern" type, i.e. no ACS. Going to end up with one namespace for most functions and a separate one just for a PHP source...
Can this get some traction?
@alcohol We are working on a major upgrade of Azure SDK for PHP which will use AutoRest to generate PHP code from Swagger.
@sergey-shandar does this mean AutoRest will get full PHP support?
This has become a critical issue with some of our partners who are using this SDK to access service bus, since Microsoft no longer allows creation of ACS namespaces. Any progress here?
Hi, update please?
With ACS being removed from support soon, we will be unable to use this SDK soon. Is there an alternative available or coming?
@salameer , @sergey-shandar
I just re-tested with the latest sdk and it works with shared access keys, so we are OK. You can probably close this issue.