azure-rest-api-specs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
azure-rest-api-specs copied to clipboard

Mjmadhu playwrighttesting playwright service 2023 10 01 preview new

Open mjmadhu opened this issue 1 year ago • 11 comments

ARM (Control Plane) API Specification Update Pull Request

Tip: overwhelmed by all this guidance? See the Getting help section at the bottom of this PR description.

PR review workflow diagram

Please understand this diagram before proceeding. It explains how to get your PR approved & merged.


Click here to see the details of Step 1

Breaking changes review (Diagram Step 1)

If the automation determines you have breaking changes, i.e. Step 1 from the diagram applies to you, you must follow the breaking changes process.
IMPORTANT This applies even if:

  • The tool fails while it shouldn't, e.g. due to runtime exception, or incorrect detection of breaking changes.
  • You believe there is no need for you to request breaking change approval, for any reason. Such claims must be reviewed, and the process is the same.
Click here to see the details of Step 2

ARM API changes review (Diagram Step 2)

  • If this PR is in purview of ARM review then automation will add the ARMReview label.
  • If you want to force ARM review, add the label yourself.
  • Proceed according to the diagram at the top of this comment.
Click here to see the diagram footnotes

Diagram footnotes

[1] ARM review queue (for merge queues, see [2])
The PRs are processed by time opened, ascending. Your PR may show up on 2nd or later page. If you addressed Step 1 from the diagram and your PR is not showing up in the queue, ensure the label ARMChangesRequested is removed from your PR. This should cause the label WaitForARMFeedback to be added. [2] public repo merge queue, private repo merge queue (for ARM review queue, [1])

If you need further help with anything, see Getting help section below.

Purpose of this PR

What's the purpose of this PR? Check all that apply. This is mandatory!

  • [x] New API version. (If API spec is not defined in TypeSpec, the PR should have been generated using OpenAPI Hub).
  • [ ] Update existing version for a new feature. (This is applicable only when you are revising a private preview API version.)
  • [ ] Update existing version to fix swagger quality issues in S360.
  • [ ] Other, please clarify:
    • edit this with your clarification

Due diligence checklist

To merge this PR, you must go through the following checklist and confirm you understood and followed the instructions by checking all the boxes:

  • [x] I confirm this PR is modifying Azure Resource Manager (ARM) related specifications, and not data plane related specifications.
  • [x] I have reviewed following Resource Provider guidelines, including ARM resource provider contract and REST guidelines (estimated time: 4 hours).
    I understand this is required before I can proceed to the Diagram Step 2, "ARM API changes Review", for this PR.

Additional information

Viewing API changes

For convenient view of the API changes made by this PR, refer to the URLs provided in the table in the Generated ApiView comment added to this PR. You can use ApiView to show API versions diff.

Suppressing failures

If one or multiple validation error/warning suppression(s) is detected in your PR, please follow the Swagger-Suppression-Process to get approval.

Getting help

  • First, please carefully read through this PR description, from top to bottom. Please fill out the Purpose of this PR and Due diligence checklist.
  • To understand what you must do next to merge this PR, see the Next Steps to Merge comment. It will appear within few minutes of submitting this PR and will continue to be up-to-date with current PR state.
  • For guidance on fixing this PR CI check failures, see the hyperlinks provided in given failure and
  • If the PR CI checks appear to be stuck in queued state, please add a comment with contents /azp run. This should result in a new comment denoting a PR validation pipeline has started and the checks should be updated after few minutes.
  • If the help provided by the previous points is not enough, post to and link to this PR.

mjmadhu avatar Dec 19 '23 08:12 mjmadhu

Next Steps to Merge

✅ All automated merging requirements have been met! Refer to step 4 in the PR workflow diagram (even if your PR is for data plane, not ARM).

Swagger Validation Report

️️✔️BreakingChange succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
There are no breaking changes.
️⚠️Breaking Change(Cross-Version): 34 Warnings warning [Detail]
compared swaggers (via Oad v0.10.4)] new version base version
playwrighttesting.json 2024-02-01(95f8d07) 2023-10-01-preview(main)

The following breaking changes are detected by comparison with the latest preview version:

Only 30 items are listed, please refer to log for more details.

Rule Message
:warning: 1009 - RemovedRequiredParameter The required parameter 'name' was removed in the new version.
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L195:11
:warning: 1009 - RemovedRequiredParameter The required parameter 'name' was removed in the new version.
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L297:11
:warning: 1009 - RemovedRequiredParameter The required parameter 'name' was removed in the new version.
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L344:11
:warning: 1009 - RemovedRequiredParameter The required parameter 'name' was removed in the new version.
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L417:11
:warning: 1009 - RemovedRequiredParameter The required parameter 'name' was removed in the new version.
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L473:11
:warning: 1010 - AddingRequiredParameter The required parameter 'quotaName' was added in the new version.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L243:11
:warning: 1010 - AddingRequiredParameter The required parameter 'accountName' was added in the new version.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L345:11
:warning: 1010 - AddingRequiredParameter The required parameter 'accountName' was added in the new version.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L392:11
:warning: 1010 - AddingRequiredParameter The required parameter 'accountName' was added in the new version.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L465:11
:warning: 1010 - AddingRequiredParameter The required parameter 'accountName' was added in the new version.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L521:11
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L413:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L411:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L99:9
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L96:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L14:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L14:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L183:9
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L135:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L14:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L14:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L229:9
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L181:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L293:9
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L245:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L335:9
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L287:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L382:9
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L334:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L455:9
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L407:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L511:9
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L463:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L632:5
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L622:5
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L14:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L14:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L204:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L204:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L210:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L209:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L14:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L14:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L14:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L14:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L14:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L14:9
:warning: 1023 - TypeFormatChanged The new version has a different format than the previous one.
New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L14:9
Old: common-types/resource-management/v3/types.json#L14:9
:warning: 1033 - RemovedProperty The new version is missing a property found in the old version. Was 'createdAt' renamed or removed?
New: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L934:7
Old: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/preview/2023-10-01-preview/playwrighttesting.json#L663:7
️️✔️CredScan succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
There is no credential detected.
️⚠️LintDiff: 1 Warnings warning [Detail]
compared tags (via openapi-validator v2.1.6) new version base version
package-2024-02-01 package-2024-02-01(95f8d07) default(main)

[must fix]The following errors/warnings are introduced by current PR:

Rule Message Related RPC [For API reviewers]
:warning: ParameterNotUsingCommonTypes Not using the common-types defined parameter 'location'.
Location: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L229

The following errors/warnings exist before current PR submission:

Rule Message
:warning: ParameterNotUsingCommonTypes Not using the common-types defined parameter 'location'.
Location: Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/stable/2024-02-01/playwrighttesting.json#L183
️️✔️Avocado succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for Avocado.
️️✔️SwaggerAPIView succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
️️✔️TypeSpecAPIView succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
️️✔️ModelValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for ModelValidation.
️️✔️SemanticValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SemanticValidation.
️️✔️PoliCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passed for PoliCheck.
️️✔️SpellCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SpellCheck.
️️✔️Lint(RPaaS) succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for Lint(RPaaS).
️️✔️PR Summary succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for Summary.
️️✔️Automated merging requirements met succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Posted by Swagger Pipeline | How to fix these errors?

Swagger Generation Artifacts

️️✔️ApiDocPreview succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
 Please click here to preview with your @microsoft account. 
️❌SDK Breaking Change Tracking failed [Detail]

Breaking Changes Tracking

azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/playwrighttesting/armplaywrighttesting - Approved - 1.0.0
+	Field `AllocatedValue`, `CreatedAt`, `ExpiryAt`, `PercentageUsed`, `UsedValue` of struct `FreeTrialProperties` has been removed
azure-sdk-for-python-track2 - track2_azure-mgmt-playwrighttesting - Approved - 1.0.0b1
+	Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter allocated_value
+	Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter created_at
+	Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter expiry_at
+	Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter percentage_used
+	Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter used_value
+	Operation AccountsOperations.begin_create_or_update has a new required parameter account_name
+	Operation AccountsOperations.begin_create_or_update no longer has parameter name
+	Operation AccountsOperations.begin_delete has a new required parameter account_name
+	Operation AccountsOperations.begin_delete no longer has parameter name
+	Operation AccountsOperations.get has a new required parameter account_name
+	Operation AccountsOperations.get no longer has parameter name
+	Operation AccountsOperations.update has a new required parameter account_name
+	Operation AccountsOperations.update no longer has parameter name
+	Operation QuotasOperations.get has a new required parameter quota_name
+	Operation QuotasOperations.get no longer has parameter name
️⚠️ azure-sdk-for-python-track2 warning [Detail]
  • ⚠️Warning [Logs] Generate from f316d25725b574017e7daee827e2d1a0acd20852. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	sh scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/initOutput.json
    cmderr	[] WARNING: azure-devtools 1.2.1 does not provide the extra 'ci-tools'
    cmderr	[] WARNING: azure-devtools 1.2.1 does not provide the extra 'ci-tools'
    cmderr	[] WARNING: Skipping azure-nspkg as it is not installed.
    warn		specification/playwrighttesting/PlaywrightTesting.Management/tspconfig.yaml skipped due to azure-sdk-for-python-track2 not found in tspconfig.yaml
    command	sh scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/generateOutput.json
    cmderr	[]
    cmderr	[] npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.2.3 -> 10.4.0
    cmderr	[] npm notice Changelog: <>
    cmderr	[] npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update!
    cmderr	[] npm notice
  • ️✔️track2_azure-mgmt-playwrighttesting [View full logs]  [Preview SDK Changes] Breaking Change Detected
    info	[Changelog] ### Features Added
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog]   - Added operation AccountsOperations.check_name_availability
    info	[Changelog]   - Added operation group AccountQuotasOperations
    info	[Changelog]   - Model Account has a new parameter properties
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AccountUpdate has a new parameter properties
    info	[Changelog]   - Model Quota has a new parameter properties
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] ### Breaking Changes
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog]   - Model Account no longer has parameter dashboard_uri
    info	[Changelog]   - Model Account no longer has parameter provisioning_state
    info	[Changelog]   - Model Account no longer has parameter regional_affinity
    info	[Changelog]   - Model Account no longer has parameter reporting
    info	[Changelog]   - Model Account no longer has parameter scalable_execution
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AccountUpdate no longer has parameter regional_affinity
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AccountUpdate no longer has parameter reporting
    info	[Changelog]   - Model AccountUpdate no longer has parameter scalable_execution
    info	[Changelog]   - Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter allocated_value
    info	[Changelog]   - Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter created_at
    info	[Changelog]   - Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter expiry_at
    info	[Changelog]   - Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter percentage_used
    info	[Changelog]   - Model FreeTrialProperties no longer has parameter used_value
    info	[Changelog]   - Model Quota no longer has parameter free_trial
    info	[Changelog]   - Model Quota no longer has parameter provisioning_state
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation AccountsOperations.begin_create_or_update has a new required parameter account_name
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation AccountsOperations.begin_create_or_update no longer has parameter name
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation AccountsOperations.begin_delete has a new required parameter account_name
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation AccountsOperations.begin_delete no longer has parameter name
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation AccountsOperations.get has a new required parameter account_name
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation AccountsOperations.get no longer has parameter name
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation AccountsOperations.update has a new required parameter account_name
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation AccountsOperations.update no longer has parameter name
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation QuotasOperations.get has a new required parameter quota_name
    info	[Changelog]   - Operation QuotasOperations.get no longer has parameter name
️⚠️ azure-sdk-for-java warning [Detail]
  • ⚠️Warning [Logs] Generate from f316d25725b574017e7daee827e2d1a0acd20852. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	./eng/mgmt/automation/ ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/initOutput.json
    cmderr	[] [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.0.1 -> 23.3.2
    cmderr	[] [notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip
    cmderr	[] [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.0.1 -> 23.3.2
    cmderr	[] [notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip
    cmderr	[]  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
    cmderr	[]                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    cmderr	[] 
      0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0k
    cmderr	[] Downloading
    cmderr	[] Computing checksum with sha256sum
    cmderr	[] Checksums matched!
    command	./eng/mgmt/automation/ ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/generateOutput.json
  • ️✔️azure-resourcemanager-playwrighttesting [View full logs]  [Preview SDK Changes]
️️✔️ azure-sdk-for-go succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
  • ️✔️Succeeded [Logs] Generate from f316d25725b574017e7daee827e2d1a0acd20852. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	sh ./eng/scripts/ ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/initInput.json ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/initOutput.json
    warn		specification/playwrighttesting/PlaywrightTesting.Management/tspconfig.yaml skipped due to azure-sdk-for-go not found in tspconfig.yaml
    command	generator automation-v2 ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/generateInput.json ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/generateOutput.json
  • ️✔️sdk/resourcemanager/playwrighttesting/armplaywrighttesting [View full logs]  [Preview SDK Changes] Breaking Change Detected
    info	[Changelog] ### Breaking Changes
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] - Field `AllocatedValue`, `CreatedAt`, `ExpiryAt`, `PercentageUsed`, `UsedValue` of struct `FreeTrialProperties` has been removed
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] ### Features Added
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] - New value `FreeTrialStateNotEligible`, `FreeTrialStateNotRegistered` added to enum type `FreeTrialState`
    info	[Changelog] - New value `ProvisioningStateCreating` added to enum type `ProvisioningState`
    info	[Changelog] - New enum type `CheckNameAvailabilityReason` with values `CheckNameAvailabilityReasonAlreadyExists`, `CheckNameAvailabilityReasonInvalid`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `NewAccountQuotasClient(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) (*AccountQuotasClient, error)`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `*AccountQuotasClient.Get(context.Context, string, string, QuotaNames, *AccountQuotasClientGetOptions) (AccountQuotasClientGetResponse, error)`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `*AccountQuotasClient.NewListByAccountPager(string, string, *AccountQuotasClientListByAccountOptions) *runtime.Pager[AccountQuotasClientListByAccountResponse]`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `*AccountsClient.CheckNameAvailability(context.Context, CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, *AccountsClientCheckNameAvailabilityOptions) (AccountsClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse, error)`
    info	[Changelog] - New function `*ClientFactory.NewAccountQuotasClient() *AccountQuotasClient`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `AccountFreeTrialProperties`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `AccountQuota`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `AccountQuotaListResult`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `AccountQuotaProperties`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `CheckNameAvailabilityRequest`
    info	[Changelog] - New struct `CheckNameAvailabilityResponse`
    info	[Changelog]
    info	[Changelog] Total 1 breaking change(s), 23 additive change(s).
️️✔️ azure-sdk-for-js succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
  • ️✔️Succeeded [Logs] Generate from f316d25725b574017e7daee827e2d1a0acd20852. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	sh .scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json
    warn	File azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json not found to read
    command	sh .scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateOutput.json
  • ️✔️@azure/arm-playwrighttesting [View full logs]  [Preview SDK Changes]
    info	[Changelog]
    error	breakingChangeTracking is enabled, but version or changelogItem is not found in output.
️⚠️ azure-resource-manager-schemas warning [Detail]
  • ⚠️Warning [Logs] Generate from f316d25725b574017e7daee827e2d1a0acd20852. Schema Automation 14.0.0
    command	.sdkauto/ ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initOutput.json
    cmderr	[] notice
    cmderr	[] npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.2.3 -> 10.4.0
    cmderr	[] npm notice Changelog: <>
    cmderr	[] npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update!
    cmderr	[] npm notice
    warn	File azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initOutput.json not found to read
    command	.sdkauto/ ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/generateOutput.json
  • ️✔️playwrighttesting [View full logs]  [Preview Schema Changes]
️⚠️ azure-powershell warning [Detail]
  • ⚠️Warning [Logs] Generate from f316d25725b574017e7daee827e2d1a0acd20852. SDK Automation 14.0.0
    command	sh ./tools/SwaggerCI/ ../azure-powershell_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-powershell_tmp/initOutput.json
    warn		specification/playwrighttesting/PlaywrightTesting.Management/tspconfig.yaml skipped due to azure-powershell not found in tspconfig.yaml
    command	pwsh ./tools/SwaggerCI/psci.ps1 ../azure-powershell_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-powershell_tmp/generateOutput.json
  • ⚠️Az.playwrighttesting.DefaultTag [View full logs]  [Preview SDK Changes]
Posted by Swagger Pipeline | How to fix these errors?

Hi @mjmadhu! For review efficiency consideration, when creating a new API version, it is required to place API specs of the base version in the first commit, and push new version updates into successive commits. You can use OpenAPIHub to initialize the PR for adding a new version.
For more details refer to the wiki.

The base commit is already added, hence removing this tag.

mjmadhu avatar Jan 22 '24 09:01 mjmadhu

Could you please fix the newly introduced LintDiff errors :

raosuhas avatar Jan 22 '24 20:01 raosuhas

Please address or respond to feedback from the ARM API reviewer.
When you are ready to continue the ARM API review, please remove the ARMChangesRequested label.
This will notify the reviewer to have another look.
If the feedback provided needs further discussion, please use this Teams channel to post your questions -
Please include [ARM Query] in the title of your question to indicate that it is ARM-related.

The remaining Swagger LintDiff Errors are occurring from the TypeSpec generated code. Please let us know what changes need to be done if fixes are available for them.

ResourceNameRestriction - It's throwing the following error as it's enum type - error decorator-wrong-target: Cannot apply @pattern decorator to type it is not a string

109 | @pattern("^[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,127}$")

ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly - Already defined with @visibility("read") in the tsp file

DeleteResponseCodes - Default operations are generated from the TrackedResourceOperations as verfied from the following tsp code - @armResourceOperations interface Accounts extends TrackedResourceOperations<Account, AccountProperties> { @doc("Adds check global name availability operation, normally used if a resource name must be globally unique.") checkNameAvailability is checkGlobalNameAvailability; }

ValidFormats - Can't find any other format than string and int32 in the documentation to support decimal/float types.

ParameterNotUsingCommonTypes - The current @locationResource does not comply with the signature of ARM location based resources like usages signature mentioned here, hence created custom locations resource as discussed on the Teams Thread.

mjmadhu avatar Jan 23 '24 08:01 mjmadhu

The remaining Swagger LintDiff Errors are occurring from the TypeSpec generated code. Please let us know what changes need to be done if fixes are available for them.

ResourceNameRestriction - It's throwing the following error as it's enum type - error decorator-wrong-target: Cannot apply @pattern decorator to type it is not a string

109 | @pattern("^[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,127}$")

ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly - Already defined with @visibility("read") in the tsp file

DeleteResponseCodes - Default operations are generated from the TrackedResourceOperations as verfied from the following tsp code - @armResourceOperations interface Accounts extends TrackedResourceOperations<Account, AccountProperties> { @doc("Adds check global name availability operation, normally used if a resource name must be globally unique.") checkNameAvailability is checkGlobalNameAvailability; }

ValidFormats - Can't find any other format than string and int32 in the documentation to support decimal/float types.

ParameterNotUsingCommonTypes - The current @locationResource does not comply with the signature of ARM location based resources like usages signature mentioned here, hence created custom locations resource as discussed on the Teams Thread.

The remaining Swagger LintDiff Errors are occurring from the TypeSpec generated code. Please let us know what changes need to be done if fixes are available for them.

ResourceNameRestriction - It's throwing the following error as it's enum type - error decorator-wrong-target: Cannot apply @pattern decorator to type it is not a string

109 | @pattern("^[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,127}$")

ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly - Already defined with @visibility("read") in the tsp file

DeleteResponseCodes - Default operations are generated from the TrackedResourceOperations as verfied from the following tsp code - @armResourceOperations interface Accounts extends TrackedResourceOperations<Account, AccountProperties> { @doc("Adds check global name availability operation, normally used if a resource name must be globally unique.") checkNameAvailability is checkGlobalNameAvailability; }

ValidFormats - Can't find any other format than string and int32 in the documentation to support decimal/float types.

ParameterNotUsingCommonTypes - The current @locationResource does not comply with the signature of ARM location based resources like usages signature mentioned here, hence created custom locations resource as discussed on the Teams Thread.

Please add a suppression for : "ResourceNameRestriction" , "ProvisioningStateMustBeReadOnly" and "DeleteResponseCode" for the specific line where it is getting raised. Seems like bug in the tooling

For ValidTypes have you already tried float : ? or else you might have to use string since it wouldnt get recognized otherwise.

raosuhas avatar Jan 23 '24 23:01 raosuhas

Signing off on this. The suppressions do not seem to be working. We might have to fix them before merge can complete though

raosuhas avatar Jan 24 '24 20:01 raosuhas

/pr RequestMerge

mjmadhu avatar Jan 25 '24 11:01 mjmadhu

/pr RequestMerge

the suppressions you added do not seem to be working. Can you please go through the trouble shooting section in this doc to ensure that the suppressions are working as expected :

suppressions must be for the correct file and package version not at the top level like you have added :

I am removing the PR merge for now since we need to fix the suppressions before merge.

raosuhas avatar Jan 26 '24 18:01 raosuhas

@raosuhas Suppressions fixed now. Please help review and merge.

mjmadhu avatar Jan 29 '24 05:01 mjmadhu

/pr RequestMerge

mjmadhu avatar Jan 29 '24 05:01 mjmadhu

/pr RequestMerge

mjmadhu avatar Jan 30 '24 04:01 mjmadhu

Paths doesn't seem to be working with ResourceNameRestriction Suppression as observed in existing usage from the TSG as well -

mjmadhu avatar Jan 30 '24 06:01 mjmadhu

Please help us with review and merge before the Chinese holiday season next week. @visingla-ms

mjmadhu avatar Jan 31 '24 00:01 mjmadhu