azure-rest-api-specs copied to clipboard
OpenAI: TypeSpec project for Assistants
OpenAI Assistants
This change adds a new TypeSpec project to serve as a basis for client libraries using OpenAI's beta Assistants API, as described on OpenAI's documentation:
PR note: this continues the discussion and progress in the internal repository PR:
Next Steps to Merge
Next steps that must be taken to merge this PR:- ❌ Your PR requires an API stewardship board review. See the PR description for help.
- ❌ The required check named
Swagger ModelValidation
has failed. Refer to the check in the PR's 'Checks' tab for details on how to fix it.
Swagger Validation Report
BreakingChange succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
There are no breaking changes.
Breaking Change(Cross-Version) succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
There are no breaking changes.
CredScan succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
There is no credential detected.
LintDiff succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for LintDiff.
Avocado: 7 Errors, 0 Warnings failed [Detail]
Rule | Message |
Can not find in the folder. If no file, it will block SDK generation. folder: OpenAI.Assistants/OpenApiV2/preview/2023-02-15-preview |
Can not find in the folder. If no file, it will block SDK generation. folder: OpenAI.Assistants/OpenApiV2/preview/2024-02-15-preview |
Can not find in the folder. If no file, it will block SDK generation. folder: OpenAI.Assistants/OpenApiV2/stable/2023-11-06-beta |
Can not find in the folder. If no file, it will block SDK generation. folder: OpenApiV2/stable/2023-11-06-beta/examples |
Can not find in the folder. If no file, it will block SDK generation. folder: data-plane/OpenAI.Assistants/OpenApiV3/2023-02-15-preview |
Can not find in the folder. If no file, it will block SDK generation. folder: data-plane/OpenAI.Assistants/OpenApiV3/2023-11-06-beta |
Can not find in the folder. If no file, it will block SDK generation. folder: data-plane/OpenAI.Assistants/OpenApiV3/2024-02-15-preview |
SwaggerAPIView: 1 Errors, 0 Warnings failed [Detail]
Rule | Message |
Failed to generate swagger APIView. The readme file format is invalid and the tag is not defined. Use the provided readme template for guidance readme template. For more details, please check the detail log. |
"How to fix":"Check the readme file and make sure the readme file format is valid and the tag is defined. Use the provided readme template" |
TypeSpecAPIView succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
ModelValidation: 96 Errors, 0 Warnings failed [Detail]
Only 30 items are listed, please refer to log for more details.
SemanticValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SemanticValidation.
PoliCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passed for PoliCheck.
SpellCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SpellCheck.
Lint(RPaaS) succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for Lint(RPaaS).
PR Summary succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for Summary.
Automated merging requirements met succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Swagger Generation Artifacts
ApiDocPreview: 1 Errors, 0 Warnings failed [Detail]
Rule | Message |
RestBuild error |
"logUrl":"", "detail":"Run.ps1 failed with exit code 1 " |
SDK Breaking Change Tracking succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Breaking Changes Tracking
azure-sdk-for-net-track2 failed [Detail]
Failed [Logs] Generate from aadb272c379a3cf13764b3d585fbef4e27dfe85f. SDK Automation 14.0.0command pwsh ./eng/scripts/Automation-Sdk-Init.ps1 ../azure-sdk-for-net_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-net_tmp/initOutput.json command pwsh ./eng/scripts/Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1 ../azure-sdk-for-net_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-net_tmp/generateOutput.json cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.2.3 -> 10.4.0 cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] npm notice Changelog: <> cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update! cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] npm notice cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [31;1mGeneratePackage: [0m/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-net/eng/scripts/Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1:141 cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1mLine | cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m 141 | [0m [36;1mGeneratePackage `[0m cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m | [31;1m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [31;1m[36;1m | [31;1mFailed to build sdk. exit code: False cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [0m cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [31;1mGeneratePackage: [0m/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-net/eng/scripts/Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1:141 cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1mLine | cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m 141 | [0m [36;1mGeneratePackage `[0m cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m | [31;1m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [31;1m[36;1m | [31;1mFailed to packe sdk. exit code: False cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [0m cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [31;1mGet-ChildItem: [0m/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-net/eng/scripts/automation/GenerateAndBuildLib.ps1:807 cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1mLine | cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m 807 | [0m … rtifacts += [36;1mGet-ChildItem $artifactsPath -Filter *.nupkg -exclude *.s[0m … cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m | [31;1m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [31;1m[36;1m | [31;1mCannot find path cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m | [31;1m'/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-net/artifacts/packages/Debug/' because cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m | [31;1mit does not exist. cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [0m cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [31;1mGeneratePackage: [0m/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-net/eng/scripts/Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1:141 cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1mLine | cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m 141 | [0m [36;1mGeneratePackage `[0m cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [36;1m | [31;1m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [31;1m[36;1m | [31;1mFailed to generate sdk artifact cmderr [Invoke-GenerateAndBuildV2.ps1] [0m
Azure.AI.OpenAI.Assistants [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes]info [Changelog]
azure-sdk-for-java failed [Detail]
Failed [Logs] Generate from aadb272c379a3cf13764b3d585fbef4e27dfe85f. SDK Automation 14.0.0command ./eng/mgmt/automation/ ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/initOutput.json cmderr [] [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.0.1 -> 23.3.2 cmderr [] [notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip cmderr [] [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.0.1 -> 23.3.2 cmderr [] [notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip cmderr [] Time Time Current cmderr [] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed cmderr [] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1195k cmderr [] Downloading cmderr [] ################################ 100.0% cmderr [] Computing checksum with sha256sum cmderr [] Checksums matched! command ./eng/mgmt/automation/ ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/generateOutput.json cmderr [] npm notice cmderr [] npm notice New major version of npm available! 9.5.0 -> 10.4.0 cmderr [] npm notice Changelog: <> cmderr [] npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update! cmderr [] npm notice cmderr [] warning: in the working copy of 'sdk/openai/assistants/azure-ai-openai-assistants/pom.xml', CRLF will be replaced by LF the next time Git touches it
azure-ai-openai-assistants [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes]
azure-sdk-for-js inProgress [Detail]
Generated ApiView
Language | Package Name | ApiView Link |
TypeSpec | OpenAI.Assistants | |
Hi @trrwilson! For review efficiency consideration, when creating a new API version, it is required to place API specs of the base version in the first commit, and push new version updates into successive commits. You can use OpenAPIHub to initialize the PR for adding a new version.
For more details refer to the wiki.
API change check
APIView has identified API level changes in this PR and created following API reviews.
Hi, @trrwilson. Your PR has no update for 14 days and it is marked as stale PR. If no further update for over 14 days, the bot will close the PR. If you want to refresh the PR, please remove no-recent-activity
Hi, @trrwilson. Your PR has no update for 14 days and it is marked as stale PR. If no further update for over 14 days, the bot will close the PR. If you want to refresh the PR, please remove no-recent-activity
Hi, @trrwilson. Your PR has no update for 14 days and it is marked as stale PR. If no further update for over 14 days, the bot will close the PR. If you want to refresh the PR, please remove no-recent-activity
Hi, @trrwilson. Your PR has no update for 14 days and it is marked as stale PR. If no further update for over 14 days, the bot will close the PR. If you want to refresh the PR, please remove no-recent-activity
Hi, @trrwilson. Your PR has no update for 14 days and it is marked as stale PR. If no further update for over 14 days, the bot will close the PR. If you want to refresh the PR, please remove no-recent-activity