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[Hub Generated] Review request for Microsoft.Media/Streaming to add version stable/2022-11-01
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Hi, @StephanieHan Thanks for your PR. I am workflow bot for review process. Here are some small tips.
Swagger Validation Report
BreakingChange inProgress [Detail]
Breaking Change(Cross-Version) pending [Detail]
CredScan pending [Detail]
LintDiff inProgress [Detail]
Avocado: 1 Warnings warning [Detail]
Rule | Message |
:warning: MULTIPLE_API_VERSION | The default tag contains multiple API versions swaggers. readme: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/ tag: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/ |
ApiReadinessCheck pending [Detail]
~[Staging] ServiceAPIReadinessTest inProgress [Detail]
ModelValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for ModelValidation.
SemanticValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SemanticValidation.
PoliCheck pending [Detail]
PrettierCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for PrettierCheck.
SpellCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SpellCheck.
Lint(RPaaS) succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for Lint(RPaaS).
CadlValidation inProgress [Detail]
PR Summary pending [Detail]
Swagger Generation Artifacts
ApiDocPreview inProgress [Detail]
SDK Breaking Change Tracking pending [Detail]
Generated ApiView
Language | Package Name | ApiView Link |
Go | sdk/resourcemanager/mediaservices/armmediaservices | |
JavaScript | @azure/arm-mediaservices | |
/azp run unifiedPipeline
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Hi, @StephanieHan your PR are labelled with WaitForARMFeedback. A notification email will be sent out shortly afterwards to notify ARM review board([email protected]).
"Status": {
should be modelled as a proxy resource with along with the top level envelope
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:2652 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/{accountName}/liveEvents/{liveEventName}/trackIngestHeartbeat": {
resourceCollection names MUST be nouns and plural
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:587 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"StreamEvent": {
model as proxy resource
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:2695 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"additionalProperties": {
is this user defined?
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:2709 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"LiveEventStreamEventsGetResult": {
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:2717 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"LiveEventStatusGetResult": {
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:2682 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"additionalProperties": {
is this user defined?
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:2740 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"LiveEventTrackIngestHeartbeatGetResult": {
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:2748 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"TrackEvent": {
model as proxy resource
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:2730 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"additionalProperties": {
remove all free form objects or provide a justification for why you need it?
In reply to: 1286419741
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:2709 in 0b59b3e. [](commit_id = 0b59b3e6849c2d77c77a0a2efa33b3f463ca0c8a, deletion_comment = False)
"operationId": "LiveEvents_TrackIngestHeartbeat",
Please fix the operation names as per the suggestions provided in the lintdiff pipeline evaluation under Checks > ~[Staging] Swagger Lintdiff
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:594 in 7ae44c4. [](commit_id = 7ae44c48f8994ed7e3a39407c4482bc95a391c6f, deletion_comment = False)
"operationId": "LiveEvents_TrackIngestHeartbeat",
Please check other warnings there and fix as well
In reply to: 1286422340
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:594 in 0b59b3e. [](commit_id = 0b59b3e6849c2d77c77a0a2efa33b3f463ca0c8a, deletion_comment = False)
Please ensure to respond feedbacks from the ARM API reviewer. When you are ready to continue the ARM API review, please remove ARMChangesRequested
"Status": {
should be modelled as a proxy resource with along with the top level envelope
Do we need to model it as a proxy resource even if it's not an ARM resource? Those three new added endpoints are to get some telemetry data of the live event(which is an ARM resource). They are just like the ArmStreamingEndpointSkuInfo
entity (which is not modelled as a proxy resource) which exists already.
In reply to: 1286415766
"additionalProperties": {
remove all free form objects or provide a justification for why you need it?
This is not user defined. We need these free form objects because we have to return different set of data inside the data
field for different eventType
. For example this list will be returned:
“eventType”: “/StreamEvent/Ingestion/FirstChunkReceived”,
“eventTime”: “2022-04-25T12:01:00.0000”,
“level”: “4”,
“data”: {
“streamid”: “mystream”,
“mediatype”: “video”,
“trackname”: “video”,
“bitrate”: 1600000,
“mediatimestamp”: “6030”,
“duration”: 180000,
“timescale”: 90000,
“resultcode”: “S_OK”
“ResultMessage”: “succeeded”,
“resolution”: “1024x576”
“eventType”: “/StreamEvent/Ingestion/BeginIngest”,
“eventTime”: “2022-04-25T12:00:00.0000”,
“level”: “4”,
“data”: {
“streamname”: “video”,
“resultcode”: “S_OK”
“ResultMessage”: “succeeded”
We'll document what's the data set for each eventType for customers.
In reply to: 1286421118
Hi @StephanieHan, one or multiple validation error/warning suppression(s) is detected in your PR. Please follow the Swagger-Suppression-Process to get approval.
Hi @StephanieHan, Your PR has some issues. Please fix the CI sequentially by following the order of Avocado, semantic validation, model validation, breaking change, lintDiff
. If you have any questions, please post your questions in this channel
Task | How to fix | Priority |
Avocado | Fix-Avocado | High |
Semantic validation | Fix-SemanticValidation-Error | High |
Model validation | Fix-ModelValidation-Error | High |
LintDiff | Fix-LintDiff | high |
"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/{accountName}/liveEvents/{liveEventName}/trackIngestHeartbeat": {
resourceCollection names MUST be nouns and plural
How about the name of another one? "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/{accountName}/liveEvents/{liveEventName}/status"
. Is it good to use status
In reply to: 1286417977
"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/{accountName}/liveEvents/{liveEventName}/trackIngestHeartbeat": {
resourceCollection names MUST be nouns and plural
How about the name of another one?
. Is it good to usestatus
?In reply to: 1286417977
This is kind of the reason I am asking if these calls should be a POST, since they are not returning ARM resources. and might be confusing to the customers.
"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/{accountName}/liveEvents/{liveEventName}/trackIngestHeartbeats": {
Like rkmanda mentioned, please check the lintdiff for this
Refers to: specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Streaming/stable/2022-11-01/streamingservice.json:593 in aef67ad. [](commit_id = aef67ad340dda57cd4c084983cb71849f8bb6ea0, deletion_comment = False)
/azp run
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).