azure-rest-api-specs copied to clipboard
Entity Timeline: SecurityAlertTimelineItem add Intent and Techniques
MSFT employees can try out our new experience at OpenAPI Hub - one location for using our validation tools and finding your workflow. Azure 1st Party Service can try out the Shift Left experience to initiate API design review from ADO code repo. If you are interested, may request engineering support by filling in with the form
Add a changelog entry for this PR by answering the following questions:
- What's the purpose of the update?
- [ ] new service onboarding
- [x] new API version
- [ ] update existing version for new feature
- [ ] update existing version to fix swagger quality issue in s360
- [ ] Other, please clarify
- When are you targeting to deploy the new service/feature to public regions? Please provide the date or, if the date is not yet available, the month.
- When do you expect to publish the swagger? Please provide date or, the the date is not yet available, the month.
- If updating an existing version, please select the specific language SDKs and CLIs that must be refreshed after the swagger is published.
- [ ] SDK of .NET (need service team to ensure code readiness)
- [ ] SDK of Python
- [ ] SDK of Java
- [ ] SDK of Js
- [ ] SDK of Go
- [ ] PowerShell
- [ ] CLI
- [ ] Terraform
- [ ] No refresh required for updates in this PR
Contribution checklist:
- [x] I commit to follow the Breaking Change Policy of "no breaking changes"
- [x] I have reviewed the documentation for the workflow.
- [x] Validation tools were run on swagger spec(s) and errors have all been fixed in this PR. How to fix?
If any further question about AME onboarding or validation tools, please view the FAQ.
ARM API Review Checklist
Applicability: :warning:
If your changes encompass only the following scenarios, you should SKIP this section, as these scenarios do not require ARM review.
- Change to data plane APIs
- Adding new properties
- All removals
Otherwise your PR may be subject to ARM review requirements. Complete the following:
[x] Check this box if any of the following appy to the PR so that the label "ARMReview" and "WaitForARMFeedback" will be added by bot to kick off ARM API Review. Missing to check this box in the following scenario may result in delays to the ARM manifest review and deployment.
- Adding a new service
- Adding new API(s)
- Adding a new API version -[ ] To review changes efficiently, ensure you are using OpenAPIHub to initialize the PR for adding a new version. More details, refer to the wiki.
[x] Ensure you've reviewed following guidelines including ARM resource provider contract and REST guidelines. Estimated time (4 hours). This is required before you can request review from ARM API Review board.
[x] If you are blocked on ARM review and want to get the PR merged with urgency, please get the ARM oncall for reviews (RP Manifest Approvers team under Azure Resource Manager service) from IcM and reach out to them.
Breaking Change Review Checklist
If any of the following scenarios apply to the PR, request approval from the Breaking Change Review Board as defined in the Breaking Change Policy.
- [ ] Removing API(s) in a stable version
- [ ] Removing properties in a stable version
- [ ] Removing API version(s) in a stable version
- [ ] Updating API in a stable or public preview version with Breaking Change Validation errors
- [ ] Updating API(s) in public preview over 1 year (refer to Retirement of Previews)
Action: to initiate an evaluation of the breaking change, create a new intake using the template for breaking changes. Addition details on the process and office hours are on the Breaking change Wiki.
Please follow the link to find more details on PR review process.
Hi, @rpressburger Thanks for your PR. I am workflow bot for review process. Here are some small tips.
Swagger Validation Report
BreakingChange succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
There are no breaking changes.
Breaking Change(Cross-Version) succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
There are no breaking changes.
compared swaggers (via Oad v0.9.7)] | new version | base version |
Entities.json | 2022-09-01-preview(973a168) | 2022-08-01-preview(main) |
LintDiff: 0 Warnings warning [Detail]
compared tags (via openapi-validator v1.13.0) | new version | base version |
package-preview-2022-09 | package-preview-2022-09(973a168) | package-preview-2022-09(dev-Sentinel-2022-09-01-preview) |
The following errors/warnings exist before current PR submission:
Rule | Message |
:warning: R1003 - ListInOperationName | Since operation 'EntitiesQueries' response has model definition 'array', it should be of the form 'list'. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change. Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Entities.json#L291 |
:warning: R1003 - ListInOperationName | Since operation 'EntitiesGetInsights' response has model definition 'array', it should be of the form 'list'. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change. Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Entities.json#L339 |
:warning: R1005 - GetInOperationName | 'GET' operation 'Entities_Queries' should use method name 'Get' or Method name start with 'List'. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change. Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Entities.json#L291 |
:warning: R2001 - AvoidNestedProperties | Consider using x-ms-client-flatten to provide a better end user experience Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Entities.json#L1114 |
:warning: R2029 - PageableOperation | Based on the response model schema, operation 'Entities_Queries' might be pageable. Consider adding the x-ms-pageable extension. Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Entities.json#L281 |
:warning: R2066 - PostOperationIdContainsUrlVerb | OperationId should contain the verb: 'gettimeline' in:'EntitiesGetTimeline_list'. Consider updating the operationId Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Entities.json#L243 |
:warning: R3017 - GuidUsage | Guid used in model definition 'EntityExpandParameters' for property 'expansionId'. Usage of Guid is not recommanded. If GUIDs are absolutely required in your service, please get sign off from the Azure API review board. Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Entities.json#L804 |
:warning: R3018 - EnumInsteadOfBoolean | Booleans are not descriptive and make them hard to use. Consider using string enums with allowed set of values defined. Property: addDefaultExtendedTimeRange Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Entities.json#L742 |
Avocado succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for Avocado.
ModelValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for ModelValidation.
SemanticValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SemanticValidation.
SDK Track2 Validation: 3 Warnings warning [Detail]
- The following tags are being changed in this PR
- "">securityinsights/resource-manager/
Rule | Message |
:warning: Modeler/MissingType | "readme":"securityinsights/resource-manager/", "tag":"package-preview-2022-09", "details":"The schema 'components·1qaufw0·schemas·threatintelligenceindicatorproperties·properties·extensions·additionalproperties' has no type or format information whatsoever. Location:\n file:///mnt/vss/_work/1/azure-rest-api-specs/specification/securityinsights/resource-manager/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/ThreatIntelligence.json#/components/schemas/components·1qaufw0·schemas·threatintelligenceindicatorproperties·properties·extensions·additionalproperties" |
:warning: Modeler/MissingType | "readme":"securityinsights/resource-manager/", "tag":"package-preview-2022-09", "details":"The schema 'components·2sbdb2·schemas·watchlistitemproperties·properties·itemskeyvalue·additionalproperties' has no type or format information whatsoever. Location:\n file:///mnt/vss/_work/1/azure-rest-api-specs/specification/securityinsights/resource-manager/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Watchlists.json#/components/schemas/components·2sbdb2·schemas·watchlistitemproperties·properties·itemskeyvalue·additionalproperties" |
:warning: Modeler/MissingType | "readme":"securityinsights/resource-manager/", "tag":"package-preview-2022-09", "details":"The schema 'components·84fvid·schemas·watchlistitemproperties·properties·entitymapping·additionalproperties' has no type or format information whatsoever. Location:\n file:///mnt/vss/_work/1/azure-rest-api-specs/specification/securityinsights/resource-manager/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2022-09-01-preview/Watchlists.json#/components/schemas/components·84fvid·schemas·watchlistitemproperties·properties·entitymapping·additionalproperties" |
The following errors/warnings exist before current PR submission:
Rule | Message |
:warning: UnkownSecurityScheme | "readme":"securityinsights/resource-manager/", "tag":"package-preview-2022-09", "details":"Security scheme azure_auth is unknown and will not be processed. Only supported types are AADToken, AzureKey, Anonymous" |
PrettierCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for PrettierCheck.
SpellCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for SpellCheck.
CadlValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Validation passes for CadlValidation.
Swagger Generation Artifacts
ApiDocPreview succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Please click here to preview with your @microsoft account.
SDK Breaking Change Tracking warning [Detail]
Breaking Changes Tracking
azure-sdk-for-python-track2 - track2_azure-mgmt-securityinsight - 1.0.0+ Parameter alerts of model AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector is now required + Parameter alerts of model MCASDataConnectorDataTypes is now required + Parameter exchange of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes is now required + Parameter indicators of model TIDataConnectorDataTypes is now required + Parameter logs of model AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorDataTypes is now required + Parameter share_point of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes is now required + Parameter state of model AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorDataTypesLogs is now required + Parameter state of model DataConnectorDataTypeCommon is now required + Parameter state of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypesExchange is now required + Parameter state of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypesSharePoint is now required + Parameter state of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypesTeams is now required + Parameter state of model TIDataConnectorDataTypesIndicators is now required + Parameter teams of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes is now required + Parameter tenant_id of model DataConnectorTenantId is now required
azure-sdk-for-net failed [Detail]
Failed [Logs] Generate from 9ef9c60c3798797279a4121bf255e70fb46f11a0. SDK Automation 14.0.0warn Skip initScript due to not configured command sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-6.0 command autorest --version=2.0.4421 --csharp --reflect-api-versions --license-header=MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION [email protected]/[email protected] --csharp-sdks-folder=/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-net/sdk ../azure-rest-api-specs/specification/securityinsights/resource-manager/ cmderr [Autorest] realpath(): Permission denied cmderr [Autorest] realpath(): Permission denied cmderr [Autorest] realpath(): Permission denied cmderr [Autorest] realpath(): Permission denied cmderr [Autorest] realpath(): Permission denied cmderr [Autorest] realpath(): Permission denied cmderr [Autorest] No usable version of the libssl was found cmderr [Autorest] FATAL: csharp/simplifier - FAILED cmderr [Autorest] FATAL: Error: [Exception] AutoRest extension '' terminated. cmderr [Autorest] Process() cancelled due to exception : [Exception] AutoRest extension '' terminated. error Script return with result [failed] code [1] signal [null] cwd [azure-sdk-for-net]: autorest warn Skip package processing as generation is failed
azure-sdk-for-python-track2 warning [Detail]
Warning [Logs] Generate from 9ef9c60c3798797279a4121bf255e70fb46f11a0. SDK Automation 14.0.0command sh scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/initOutput.json cmderr [] WARNING: Skipping azure-nspkg as it is not installed. command sh scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/generateOutput.json cmderr [] WARN config global `--global`, `--local` are deprecated. Use `--location=global` instead.
track2_azure-mgmt-securityinsight [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes] Breaking Change Detectedinfo [Changelog] ### Features Added info [Changelog] info [Changelog] - Added operation DataConnectorsOperations.connect info [Changelog] - Added operation DataConnectorsOperations.disconnect info [Changelog] - Added operation IncidentsOperations.create_team info [Changelog] - Added operation IncidentsOperations.run_playbook info [Changelog] - Added operation group BookmarkOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group BookmarkRelationsOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group DataConnectorsCheckRequirementsOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group DomainWhoisOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group EntitiesGetTimelineOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group EntitiesOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group EntitiesRelationsOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group EntityQueriesOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group EntityQueryTemplatesOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group EntityRelationsOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group FileImportsOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group IPGeodataOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group MetadataOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group OfficeConsentsOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group ProductSettingsOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group SecurityMLAnalyticsSettingsOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group SourceControlOperations info [Changelog] - Added operation group SourceControlsOperations info [Changelog] - Model Bookmark has a new parameter entity_mappings info [Changelog] - Model Bookmark has a new parameter tactics info [Changelog] - Model Bookmark has a new parameter techniques info [Changelog] - Model FusionAlertRule has a new parameter scenario_exclusion_patterns info [Changelog] - Model FusionAlertRule has a new parameter source_settings info [Changelog] - Model FusionAlertRule has a new parameter techniques info [Changelog] - Model FusionAlertRuleTemplate has a new parameter source_settings info [Changelog] - Model FusionAlertRuleTemplate has a new parameter techniques info [Changelog] - Model Incident has a new parameter provider_incident_id info [Changelog] - Model Incident has a new parameter provider_name info [Changelog] - Model Incident has a new parameter team_information info [Changelog] - Model IncidentAdditionalData has a new parameter provider_incident_url info [Changelog] - Model IncidentAdditionalData has a new parameter techniques info [Changelog] - Model IncidentOwnerInfo has a new parameter owner_type info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter device_sub_type info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter importance info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter is_authorized info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter is_programming info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter is_scanner info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter nic_entity_ids info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter owners info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter purdue_layer info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter sensor info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter site info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntity has a new parameter zone info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter device_sub_type info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter importance info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter is_authorized info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter is_programming info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter is_scanner info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter nic_entity_ids info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter owners info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter purdue_layer info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter sensor info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter site info [Changelog] - Model IoTDeviceEntityProperties has a new parameter zone info [Changelog] - Model ScheduledAlertRule has a new parameter techniques info [Changelog] - Model ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter techniques info [Changelog] - Model ScheduledAlertRuleTemplate has a new parameter techniques info [Changelog] - Model Watchlist has a new parameter source_type info [Changelog] info [Changelog] ### Breaking Changes info [Changelog] info [Changelog] - Parameter alerts of model AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter alerts of model MCASDataConnectorDataTypes is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter exchange of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter indicators of model TIDataConnectorDataTypes is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter logs of model AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorDataTypes is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter share_point of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter state of model AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorDataTypesLogs is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter state of model DataConnectorDataTypeCommon is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter state of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypesExchange is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter state of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypesSharePoint is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter state of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypesTeams is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter state of model TIDataConnectorDataTypesIndicators is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter teams of model OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes is now required info [Changelog] - Parameter tenant_id of model DataConnectorTenantId is now required
azure-sdk-for-js succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Succeeded [Logs] Generate from 9ef9c60c3798797279a4121bf255e70fb46f11a0. SDK Automation 14.0.0command sh .scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json warn File azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/initOutput.json not found to read command sh .scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-js_tmp/generateOutput.json
@azure/arm-securityinsight [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes]info [Changelog] **Features** info [Changelog] info [Changelog] - Added operation group FileImports info [Changelog] - Added Interface FileImport info [Changelog] - Added Interface FileImportList info [Changelog] - Added Interface FileImportsCreateOptionalParams info [Changelog] - Added Interface FileImportsDeleteOptionalParams info [Changelog] - Added Interface FileImportsGetOptionalParams info [Changelog] - Added Interface FileImportsListNextOptionalParams info [Changelog] - Added Interface FileImportsListOptionalParams info [Changelog] - Added Interface FileMetadata info [Changelog] - Added Interface ValidationError info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias DeleteStatus info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias FileFormat info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias FileImportContentType info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias FileImportsCreateResponse info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias FileImportsDeleteResponse info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias FileImportsGetResponse info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias FileImportsListNextResponse info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias FileImportsListResponse info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias FileImportState info [Changelog] - Added Type Alias IngestionMode info [Changelog] - Interface SecurityAlertTimelineItem has a new optional parameter intent info [Changelog] - Interface SecurityAlertTimelineItem has a new optional parameter techniques info [Changelog] - Class SecurityInsights has a new parameter fileImports info [Changelog] - Added Enum KnownDeleteStatus info [Changelog] - Added Enum KnownFileFormat info [Changelog] - Added Enum KnownFileImportContentType info [Changelog] - Added Enum KnownFileImportState info [Changelog] - Added Enum KnownIngestionMode error breakingChangeTracking is enabled, but version or changelogItem is not found in output.
azure-sdk-for-java succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
Succeeded [Logs] Generate from 9ef9c60c3798797279a4121bf255e70fb46f11a0. SDK Automation 14.0.0command ./eng/mgmt/automation/ ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/initOutput.json command ./eng/mgmt/automation/ ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-java_tmp/generateOutput.json
azure-resourcemanager-securityinsights [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes]
azure-resource-manager-schemas warning [Detail]
Warning [Logs] Generate from 9ef9c60c3798797279a4121bf255e70fb46f11a0. Schema Automation 14.0.0command .sdkauto/ ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initOutput.json cmderr [] old lockfile cmderr [] npm WARN old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm, cmderr [] npm WARN old lockfile so supplemental metadata must be fetched from the registry. cmderr [] npm WARN old lockfile cmderr [] npm WARN old lockfile This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient... cmderr [] npm WARN old lockfile warn File azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initOutput.json not found to read command .sdkauto/ ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/generateOutput.json
securityinsights [View full logs] [Preview Schema Changes]
azure-powershell failed [Detail]
Failed [Logs] Generate from 9ef9c60c3798797279a4121bf255e70fb46f11a0. SDK Automation 14.0.0command sh ./tools/SwaggerCI/ ../azure-powershell_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-powershell_tmp/initOutput.json command pwsh ./tools/SwaggerCI/psci.ps1 ../azure-powershell_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-powershell_tmp/generateOutput.json
Az.securityinsights [View full logs] [Preview SDK Changes]
Generated ApiView
Language | Package Name | ApiView Link |
Python | track2_azure-mgmt-securityinsight | Create ApiView failed. Please ensure your github account in Azure/Microsoft is public and add a comment "/azp run" to re-trigger the CI. |
Java | azure-resourcemanager-securityinsights | Create ApiView failed. Please ensure your github account in Azure/Microsoft is public and add a comment "/azp run" to re-trigger the CI. |
JavaScript | @azure/arm-securityinsight | Create ApiView failed. Please ensure your github account in Azure/Microsoft is public and add a comment "/azp run" to re-trigger the CI. |
Hi, @rpressburger your PR are labelled with WaitForARMFeedback. A notification email will be sent out shortly afterwards to notify ARM review board([email protected]).
Is there a new API version, or can you fix the changelog on what this PR is about?
Please ensure to respond feedbacks from the ARM API reviewer. When you are ready to continue the ARM API review, please remove ARMChangesRequested