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Origin group override rule references resource incorrectly
Issue Details
When creating a origin group override action in the rules engine for a CDN endpoint, the resulting rule's origin group field is blank.
Below is the erroneous action from our CDN Profile's endpoint's delivery policy's rules: (the rest of the resource has been removed for brevity) "actions": [ { "name": "OriginGroupOverride", "parameters": { "originGroup": { "id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/endpoints/origingroups', parameters('profiles_CDN_name'), concat(parameters('profiles_CDN_name'), 'Endpoint2'), concat(parameters('profiles_CDN_name'), parameters('storageAccounts_cdnstorage2_origingroup_name')))]" }, "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Cdn.Models.DeliveryRuleOriginGroupOverrideActionParameters" } } ]
This is run using a deployment script and runs successfully with no errors, but when we check the rule in the rules engine the origin group is blank:
If we alter the name within the resourceId of the action's origin group parameters, then we get a resource not found error, so the above ARM is identifying the resource but it doesn't appear to be able to reference it.
the bug:
the resource id for the origin group is case sensitive and must have the segments in the resource id all lower case for "resourcegroup" and "origingroup"