azure-functions-kafka-extension copied to clipboard
Failed to resolve URL, no such host known - when trying to establish secured connection to Kafka
There is not much about setting up a secured connection to Kafka based on certs and passwords (called SSL, I believe). Could you help me out here a little? I have a .NET 3.1 WebJob (Console App) which is a consumer for Kafka hosted in Azure.
What I have provided to use is:
- truststore cert (jks file)
- keystore cert (jks file)
- password truststore
- password keystore
- password private key
Can someone tell me which kafka trigger parameters are equivalents to provide broker security parameters?
I can't provide much code since there is barely any code:
public static async Task ConsoleConsumer(
ConsumerGroup = "$Default",
AuthenticationMode = BrokerAuthenticationMode.Plain)] KafkaEventData<string>[] kafkaEvents,
[EventHub("kafkacollector", Connection = "EhnConnString")]
IAsyncCollector<string> outputMessages, ILogger logger)