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ServiceBusQueueTrigger MessageReceiver Binding throws error

Open musa-pro opened this issue 4 years ago • 6 comments

Actual behavior

I was trying to get metadata MessageReceiver for a ServiceBusQueueTrigger function using binding annotation, but this throws error. I noticed MessageSession, DeadletterSource throws error too whereas other binding works well. I was following this document

Is this expected or what I'm doing wrong?

    public void run(
            @ServiceBusQueueTrigger(name = "msg",
                    queueName = "ServiceBusQueue",
                    connection = "ServiceBusConStr")
                    String message,
            @BindingName("MessageReceiver") MessageReceiver messageReceiver,
            @BindingName("UserProperties") Map<String, Object> properties,
            final ExecutionContext context
        context.getLogger().info("got message from: "+message);

musa-pro avatar Nov 04 '20 14:11 musa-pro

@musa-pro thank you or reporting the issue, please can you share the error you are facing. Also are you referencing the MessageReciever from

amamounelsayed avatar Nov 13 '20 20:11 amamounelsayed

any updates on this? MessageReceiver type does not seem available in java world.. The only implementatiopn to be found is in, but the class is non-public and cannot be referenced as such:

    public void reabFromSbTopic(
                    name = "message",
                    topicName = "%topic%",
                    subscriptionName = "%sub%",
                    connection = "sbconn"
            ) String message,
            @BindingName("MessageReceiver") MessageReceiver messageReceiver,
            final ExecutionContext context
    ) {

auju01 avatar Sep 30 '21 05:09 auju01

Hello, Just checking in to see if there's any movement on this.

ashwinp88 avatar Nov 30 '21 21:11 ashwinp88

Is there any movement? It's an incomplete feature. I cannot inject a MessageReceiver into my ServiceBusQueueTrigger. I get the following error message:

Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Interface can't be instantiated! Interface name:

Is there a workaround this?

ielkhalloufi avatar Jun 29 '22 13:06 ielkhalloufi

is there any update on this ? I am facing the same issue with Java when i try to use IMessageReceiver as shown below:

public class TestFunction {

    public void run(
            @ServiceBusQueueTrigger(name = "Message", queueName = "Test_queue",
                    connection = "ServiceBusConnection")  String Message , @BindingName("IMessageReceiver") IMessageReceiver messageReceiver,
            final ExecutionContext context
    ) {

Error is :

_System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: Functions.Test-Function. System.Private.CoreLib: Result: Failure
Exception: NullPointerException: 
Stack: java.lang.NullPointerException

Is there any document with clear examples on how to use IMessageReceiver with Java in Azure Functions ?

ghost avatar Aug 19 '22 11:08 ghost

I have similar issue(at least the same exception)

    public void execute(
                    name = "eventhubTriggerDevice",
                    eventHubName = "iot-to-eventhub-devices",
                    connection = "AzureEventHubConnectionString",
                    consumerGroup = "group-iot",
                    cardinality = Cardinality.ONE)
            String msg,
            @BindingName("systemPropertiesArray") SystemProperty[] systemProperties,
            final ExecutionContext context) {"Java Event Hub trigger function executed. Device:[{}]", msg);
        handleRequest(user, context);

I want to be able to identify the device that updated. I have a sample that works from azure SDK but not for azure function


survivant avatar Sep 20 '22 16:09 survivant