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free azure account doesn't have sufficient quota to complete this example
I have tried this example with a free azure account but I have hit a road block: creating the k8s cluster requires 8 Cores but only 4 are allowed and it isn't possible to increase the quota in a free account.
H:>az acs create --orchestrator-type kubernetes --resource-group wingtiptoys-kubernetes --name wingtiptoys-cluster --generate-ssh-keys --dns-prefix=wingtiptoys This command is implicitly deprecated because command group 'acs' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use 'aks' instead. Deployment failed. Correlation ID: 230132ad-2334-4a9d-8a82-2ea7483847ed. { "error": { "code": "QuotaExceeded", "message": "Provisioning of resource(s) for container service 'wingtiptoys-cluster' in resource group 'wingtiptoys-kubernetes' failed.\nMessage: 'Operation results in exceeding quota limits of Core. Maximum allowed: 4, Current in use: 0, Additional requested: 8. Please read more about quota increase at{"subId":"c51a1835-12f0-4790-bbaf-46951ca4496b","pesId":"15621","supportTopicId":"32447243"}.'.\nDetails: ''" } }
Your free trial subscription isn't eligible for a quota increase.
Document Details
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- ID: 76b6b729-3a37-ab90-5126-37af758e8ff3
- Version Independent ID: 98c83467-e5f9-384d-6cee-745426e296d4
- Content: Deploy a Spring Boot app using the Fabric8 Maven Plugin
- Content Source: docs-ref-conceptual/spring-framework/
- Service: multiple
- GitHub Login: @rmcmurray
- Microsoft Alias: robmcm