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[Feature Request] az boards work-item relation add to Azure Pipelines Run
I am creating a work item using Azure CLI and then I want to link it to a specific Pipeline run.
- bash: |
ID=$(az boards work-item create \
--title "Build $(build.buildNumber) failed" \
--type bug \
--org $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) \
--project $(System.TeamProject) \
--query "id" \
--output tsv)
az boards work-item relation add \
--id $ID \
--relation-type "Artifact Link" \
--target-id "vstfs:///Build/Build/763" \
--org $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri)
Either the ability to parse out the link URL from the target-id or else other parameters like
az boards work-item relation add \
--id $ID \
--relation-type build
--target-id 763
Related to
Additional context I am trying to build an example of how to Create a work item on Pipeline failure for YAML pipelines
Thank you