azure-cli-extensions copied to clipboard
Pyre type error fixed
"filename": "scripts/ci/"
"warning_type": "Invalid type [31]"
"warning_message": " Expression six.with_metaclass(, unittest.TestCase)
is not a valid type."
"warning_line": 74
"fix": remove six.with_metaclass(
Thank you for your contribution luca-digrazia! We will review the pull request and get back to you soon.
Hi @luca-digrazia,
I can't find the same warning_message in our pipeline excution log.
May I ask how to reproduce the problem?
Hi @luca-digrazia, I can't find the same warning_message in our pipeline excution log. May I ask how to reproduce the problem?
Are you using Pyre as type checker? Thanks.
Could you reproduce the error?