autorest copied to clipboard
Does not support private npm registries with auth
Before filling a bug
- [x] have you checked the faq for known issues.
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Describe the bug
On these OneBranch compliant CI/CD pipelines we must use a private internal authenticated npm registry and fails tiring to acquire autorest-core's version during bootstrapping.
Expected behavior
autorest should support this as a typical use-case and use .npmrc
on private authenticated npm registries .
Here are the pipeline steps:
network isolation
template: v2/OneBranch.Official.CrossPlat.yml@templates
EnableCDPxPAT: false
Network: KS3
Npm Authenticate via ADO
- task: npmAuthenticate@0
displayName: "Authenticate npm"
workingFile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\src\.npmrc'
Set env and run autorest
NOTE: The setting of the env
- script: >-
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
Failure on getting azure-core version
"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /D /E:ON /V:OFF /S /C "CALL "C:\__w\_temp\548d9984-5f23-47b4-8d71-afa9773675f2.cmd""
AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.7.1; node: v20.11.1]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
info | AutoRest core version selected from configuration: ~2.0.4413.
debug | [0.97 s] Network Enabled: true
debug | [1.13 s] No @autorest/core (or is installed.
debug | [1.13 s] ~2.0.4413 was not satisfied directly by a previous installation.
debug | [1.39 s] Error trying to resolve @autorest/core version ~2.0.4413: Error: Unable to resolve package '@autorest/core@~2.0.4413'.
Error: Unable to find a valid AutoRest core package '@autorest/core' @ '~2.0.4413'.
Error: Unable to find a valid AutoRest core package '@autorest/core' @ '~2.0.4413'.
at selectVersion (C:\__t\node\20.11.1\x64\node_modules\autorest\dist\src_autorest-as-a-service_ts.js:393:23)
at resolveCoreVersion (C:\__t\node\20.11.1\x64\node_modules\autorest\dist\src_autorest-as-a-service_ts.js:590:29)
at main (C:\__t\node\20.11.1\x64\node_modules\autorest\dist\app.js:98:33)
Additional context
I think what is happening is after setting the env autorest_registry
autorest'ss use of pacote
manifest fetch to get the azure-core version fails since it can not properly authenticate:
export async function fetchPackageMetadata(spec: string): Promise<pacote.ManifestResult> {
try {
return await pacote.manifest(spec, {
cache: `${tmpdir()}/cache`,
registry: process.env.autorest_registry || "",
"full-metadata": true,
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Error resolving package ${spec}`, error);
throw new UnresolvedPackageException(spec);
There is no way to deal with the _auth scopes from .npmrc and pacote.manifest
. This is my speculation anyhow since this is difficult to debug this in CI pipelines.