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DotNetty project – a port of netty, event-driven asynchronous network application framework
Has tcp solved the sticker problem, the subcontracting problem, and has the udp been received in sequence?
` var bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); bootstrap .Group(group) .Channel() .Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true) .Handler(new ActionChannelInitializer(channel => { IChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.Pipeline; pipeline.AddLast(new NLogHandler("BDDataClientService")); pipeline.AddLast("IdleStateHandler", new IdleStateHandler(300, 60, 300)); pipeline.AddLast("DBTerIdelStateMyHandler", new DBDataIdelStateMyHandler()); pipeline.AddLast("BeiDouFrameDecoder",...
A tcp server with tls enabled, occurred not very often while holding 1k concurrent connections. I think it's likely we are trying to send data to client but the connection...
Hey There, Dotnetty is very good, so surging is based on the microservice framework of dotnetty, now surging needs to do video streaming, implement rtp, rtsp, rtmp protocol, does dotnetty...
when I update System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions to version 4.5.2 , make the app not allow to build it must be at version 4.5.0
Dotnetty not include WriteUnsignedInt? but include ReadUnsignedInt How to use UInt32? thanks a lot
I tried to use Netty as DTU TCP Server, but in the process of using it found that the number of threads has been slowly increasing with the running time,...
I want to get a data by dotnetty,but the data's type is byte[](ByteArray),how can i get the data?I used IByteBuffer.Array to transform the data to byte[],but the result lost some...