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DatagramSocketChannel to provide a channel for each remote address
Hi All, I'm working on a CoAP Udp Reliability Handler. The DatagramSocketChannel is NOT providing a Context for each connection which also mean that it's "single threaded" over ONE EventLoop. What is the actual best options to implements a custom behavior to emulate a "per connection thread safe" channel as TCPSocketChannel work (wihtout reinventing the wheel :-))? ps : such question has already beeing asked long time ago on Netty [netty/netty/issues/344]
I all, Seems my issue is not very popular... anyway, i continue to investigate and add idea to submit.
if we change a bit the SocketDatagramChannel (or override), adding an unsafe class to it, we may list the connections in a Dictionary<EndPoint,IChannel>. Could be something like
public class MultiplexerSocketDatagramChannel : SocketDatagramChannel
static readonly Action<object, object> WriteInboundCallback = (c,m) => ((IChannel)c).Pipeline.FireChannelRead(m);
IDictionary<EndPoint, IChannel> connections;
public MultiplexerSocketDatagramChannel(Socket socket)
: base(socket)
connections = new Dictionary<EndPoint, IChannel>();
protected override IChannelUnsafe NewUnsafe() => new MultiplexerSocketDatagramChannelUnsafe(this);
sealed class MultiplexerSocketDatagramChannelUnsafe : AbstractSocketUnsafe
readonly List<object> readBuf = new List<object>();
public MultiplexerSocketDatagramChannelUnsafe(MultiplexerSocketDatagramChannel channel)
: base(channel)
new MultiplexerSocketDatagramChannel Channel => (MultiplexerSocketDatagramChannel);
public override void FinishRead(SocketChannelAsyncOperation operation)
MultiplexerSocketDatagramChannel ch = this.Channel;
IChannelConfiguration config = ch.Configuration;
IChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.Pipeline;
IRecvByteBufAllocatorHandle allocHandle = ch.Unsafe.RecvBufAllocHandle;
bool closed = false;
Exception exception = null;
int localRead = ch.DoReadMessages(this.readBuf);
if (localRead == 0)
if (localRead < 0)
closed = true;
} while (allocHandle.ContinueReading());
catch (Exception e)
exception = e;
int size = this.readBuf.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if( this.readBuf[i] is DatagramPacket packet)
IChannel channel;
if (!ch.connections.TryGetValue(packet.Sender,out channel))
// this is where we prepare the channel
channel = this.PrepareChannel(packet.Sender);
// this will call the initializer
// then we register the channel
ch.connections.Add(packet.Sender, channel);
if ( channel != null)
IEventLoop eventLoop = channel.EventLoop;
eventLoop.Execute(WriteInboundCallback, channel, packet);
IChannel PrepareChannel(EndPoint sender)
What is meant by PrepareChannel?
Preparing the channel is setting up the pipeline, context, handlers and so on for each "connection". This is what a TCP connection does when receive a new incoming connection.
Share please
@pandaGaume I am very interested in having this feature. Have you made any progress or have an update for us?
@tlf30 II stop my company to use dotnetty, we move on another pipeline using TPL Dataflow over .net Core. I will have a quick look to see if i keep reference on this work (which we never put on production) and if so, i will let you know.
For an implementation in java: I got this working with no modifications:
Then used this for getting object decoding working on the client (only required on client, server object decoding works):
I am doing ObjectEncoding/Decoding with it.
@tlf30 II stop my company to use dotnetty, we move on another pipeline using TPL Dataflow over .net Core. I will have a quick look to see if i keep reference on this work (which we never put on production) and if so, i will let you know.
Stuck on this issue for a while, if you could share the complete code will be appreciated.
Netty have EpollDatagramChannel with option SO_REUSEPORT can bind same port more than once , these channels maybe schedule in multi-thread.BUT dotnetty not supported