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The WVD CAF Solution Factory has contents to help deployment of Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) to Azure in alignment to Cloud Adoption Framework.
Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Solution Factory Aligned to Cloud Adoption Framework
The WVD CAF Solution Factory has contents to help deployment of Windows Virtual Desktop(WVD) to Azure in alignment to Cloud Adoption Framework.
The WVD CAF Solution Factory has Technical and Sales Enablement contents for deploying WVD to Azure. The sale content contains PowerPoint for WVD and CAF. The technical enablement contains eBook that describes what needs to happen during a WVD deployment aligned to Cloud Adoption Framework, DevOps Project TaskList to help customers and partners to deploy and manage WVD in alignment to Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF).
WVD CAF Solution Factory Contents
Pre-Sales Contents
WVD CAF Pre-Sales
Sell-To and Sell-Through guidance on customer and partner business model including licensing and pricing with cost savings.
Technical Contents
eBook: WVD Adoption Aligned To Cloud Adoption Framework
Guidance supporting WVD in relation to CAF phases including Strategy, Plan, Ready, Adopt, Govern and Manage. Detailed step by step guidance to go from zero to a complete WVD deployment and management aligned to the Cloud Adoption Framework methodology. -
WVD CAF Project DevOps Project TaskList
Project work plan templates in Azure DevOps Project or Excel formats that provide the steps necessary to go from zero to a complete WVD deployment with ongoing management.
Steps to import the DevOps Project:- Sign in to the Azure DevOps Demo Generator site
- Provide project name, select your Org, and choose WVD CAF DevOps Project TaskList template from this GitHub Repo
WVD_CAF_Project_ TaskList.xlsx
If you are not using Azure DevOps for project management we have provided all the necessary steps in an Excel file which can be leveraged as is or imported into your own project management tool of choice. -
WVD_CAF_Governance_ Security_Policy_Guideline
One common question that we get is what are the security considerations for WVD Deployment. So we have provided guidance about how to leverage the Azure policies to secure your environment. This can act as a good starting point for your security consideration.
Additional Links
- Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Documentation
- Azure Cloud Adoption Framework Documentation
- Additional Cloud Adoption Framework Resources
Additional CAF Solution Factories
Key Contributors
Thanks to our contributors:
Microsoft Content Team: Dale Kirby, Jeff Mitchell
Microsoft CAF Solution Factory Leads: Farida Bharmal, Manish Dhall
We have leveraged help from Microsoft Partner Fyrsoft to create the content.
Support for future scenarios
This content is provided as-is. We periodically update and enhance the contents.
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