AzureAuth copied to clipboard
Azure auth web page continuously open in the browser without stopping
Hi team,
I tried code vignettes/shiny.Rmd, but the Azure auth web page continuously open in the browser without stopping, how to resolve it?
Thanks, Ling
I'm also interested in this. I actually helped make the shiny vignette but I've always run into this infinite loop when trying to debug SSO locally.
I had the same.
@tylerlittlefield @liqi6811 is this still happening? Sometimes Azure can be glitchy.
@hongooi73 Yes, it is still happening, do not know how to solve it.
@hongooi73 yes, this still happens to me as well
Hi all,
I found how to solve infinite loop issue. The code is developed based on Hadley's shiny-oauth.r
from the original code, aleszib mentioned the code works fine in "Externa" but not in RStudio viewer plan. So, I just published the code to and the Azure authentication works. Just to make sure your actually app code is working, then add your ui to ui, and your server logic to server after token generated. Sample code as below:
tenant <- tenant_ID # replace with your tenant ID
app <- app_ID # replace with your app ID
client_secret <- CLIENT_SECRET # replace with your client secret
resource <- c(, "openid")
redirect <- # replace with your uri which has been added to Entra
# input your ui
titlePanel("Hello Shiny!"),
sidebarLayout(position = "right",
sliderInput("bins", "Number of bins:", min = 1, max = 50, value = 30)
ui_func <- function(req)
opts <- parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING)
auth_uri <- build_authorization_uri(resource, tenant, app, redirect_uri=redirect, version=2)
redir_js <- sprintf("location.replace(\"%s\");", auth_uri)
else ui
# code for cleaning url after authentication
clean_url_js <- sprintf(
$(document).ready(function(event) {
const nextURL = '%s';
const nextTitle = 'My new page title';
const nextState = { additionalInformation: 'Updated the URL with JS' };
// This will create a new entry in the browser's history, without reloading
window.history.pushState(nextState, nextTitle, nextURL);
", redirect
server <- function(input, output, session)
opts <- parseQueryString(isolate(session$clientData$url_search))
token <- get_azure_token(resource, tenant, app, password=client_secret, auth_type="authorization_code",
authorize_args=list(redirect_uri=redirect), version=2,
use_cache=FALSE, auth_code=opts$code)
# input your server logic
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
x <- faithful[, 2] # Old Faithful Geyser data
bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
# draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
hist(x, breaks = bins, col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
shinyApp(ui_func, server)
I do not know why it does not work in RStudio viewer, please share if anybody knows.
We could run the code locally in RStudio by setting a redirected
Variable in the code to avoid that the redirection is done continously.
So we set redirected <- FALSE
at the beginning and then in the ui_func function we set the following (instead of if(is.null(opts$code)){
if (!redirected && is.null(opts$code)) {
redirected <<- TRUE # Set the flag to indicate redirection has occurred