azure-iot-starter-kits copied to clipboard
Certificate failure fix
- Fixes TLS Handshake/certificate failure issue:
- Fixes bug with 3-speech-recognizer tutorial where NLP response is never returned (leading to no commands being recognized)
Does this introduce a breaking change?
[ ] Yes
[X] No
Pull Request Type
What kind of change does this Pull Request introduce?
[X] Bugfix
[ ] Feature
[ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
[ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
[ ] Documentation content changes
[ ] Other... Please describe:
How to Test
- Get the code
- Prepare Rasberry Pi for tutorial 1/3 (attach relevant modules)
- Build & Push files for tutorial 1/3
- Create deployment for single device for tutorial 1/3
Test the code
- N/A
What to Check
Verify that the following are valid
- Tutorial 1: Verify that D2C messages can be successfully monitored in VScode
- Tutorial 3:
- Verify that D2C messages can be successfully monitored in VScode
- Verify that commands get recognized (e.g. 'time' or 'joke')
Other Information
Verified that these changes work on my own Raspberry Pi Grove Starter kit. I also updated the deployment.template.json for tutorial 2 with EdgeHub tag 1.0, even though I did not experience any issue with this tutorial.